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Avocado, Kona Sharwil

Avocado, Kona Sharwil

This plant IS available for shipping ONLY in Large Tree Pot sizes.

Regular price $52.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $52.00 USD
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3 inch Pot - 8 to 12" tall plant in 6" diameter x 7" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

1 gallon Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

Small Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

Large Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 12" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

3 gallon Pot - 18 to 36" tall plant in 10" diameter x 8" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

5 gallon Pot - 30" to 60" tall plant in 11" diameter x 10" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

15 gallon Pot - 60" to 75" tall plant in 17" diameter x 15" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

Kona Sharwil avocados are prized for their buttery flesh and nutty flavor. They have a cold hardiness of 32°F, medium-thin skin, and fruit size of 8-16 oz. They are known for their green skin as it ripens, and grow into a relatively upright tree. Enjoy their fresh taste from November to January.


Botanic Name: Persea americana
Common Names: Kona Sharwil ,
Flowering Type: Type B

Hardiness Zone: 28 Degrees
Fruiting Season: November-January
Growth Structure: Upright Tree, Small to medium sized tree

Fertility Preference: ★ ★
Water Preference:
Sun & Light Preference:

Years to Fruit: 3-4 Years
Fruiting Season: November-January
Pruning Season: March
Cold Tolerance: 28°F
Edible? Yes
Recommended Size for Container Growing: 30 Gallon

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