Bareroot Berry season is here!

What is bareroot season? What is a bareroot plant?

Bareroot season is the time of the year when plants are available in the nursery trade with "bare roots", meaning plants come without soil or a pot.  During this season, certain plants go "dormant" and can be shipped and transported easily.  

In bareroot season, these plants are available at much, much lower prices because they are much more compact without any soil or pot. Our bareroot plants are 1/4 to 1/3 of the price they will be once we pot them up, so we encourage you to order larger quantities NOW and save $$$$.

At Sarvodaya Farms, we offer a special selection of bareroot berry plants during this season, which we have tested and grown at our own farm, and selected for taste, productivity, and easy of growing.

What should I know when ordering?

Bareroot plants are small and "look dead" to the inexperienced gardener. They are NOT DEAD. They are sleeping and will wake back up and grow very quickly when weather warms.

All plants listed below are currently for PREORDER.  We expect for plants to be ready to ship by the first week of February.  Order now to reserve your plants (we will SELL OUT), and we will ship your plants as soon as they are ready.

When you receive your plants, come back to the this page and follow the Bareroot Planting Instructions below.

Our BAREROOT Selection for 2024/5

All orders for bareroots are PREORDERS. Shipments start early March.


$12.50 for any amount of plants!

Our most popular plants are THORNLESS Prime Ark Freedom Blackberry and Mara des Bois Strawberry.  They are easy to grow, very productive and will fruit in the first season.

Our blueberry trio will set you up for growing blueberries for years to come. Fruit will start coming in heavier in year 2. Our variety selection is for CALIFORNIA and other warm climates.

New introductions this year are our THORNLESS Raspberries: Joan J Red and Tahi.  We trialed Joan J Red on our farm last year, and it did exceptionally well. No thorns means its so easy to pick, and the fruit is large, sweet and juicy.  Tahi is a new introduction that we have not trialed, but heard does similarly well in warm climates. Its the FIRST EVER thornless black raspberry.  We are excited to see how it does and hoping some of you are willing to experiment too!

Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom

Bareroot Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom


Our most popular plant at Sarvodaya Farms. Prime-Ark Freedom blackberry is unreal! The plant is completely thornless, and has an upright growth habit. The fruit is the really crazy part though: berries can literally be 4 inches long and 2 inches fat. The flavor is rich, juicy, and seeds are relatively small.  Just unbelievable.

The variety was created through conventional breeding and has not been genetically engineered.

This blackberry variety is disease resistant and drought tolerant.  In Southern California, expect first harvest as soon as temperatures are regularly in the 80s.  Fruit will continue coming all summer in successive waves, except when temperatures are regularly above 95 degrees.

The Prime-Ark Freedom blackberry does best in full sun and loamy, well-drained soil. It is self-pollinating and was originally part of the University of Arkansas’s primocane breeding program and is the first primocane-fruiting thornless blackberry ever. This means more fruit faster as it fruits on new growth unlike most other blackberries. This extends the fruit harvest time too as new canes will produce early season berries, while the older canes will produce later season berries.

Special Features:
• Large, sweet fruit
• Thornless
• Self-fertile
• Disease resistant

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Bareroot Strawberry, Mara Des Bois
Bareroot Strawberry, Mara Des Bois
Bareroot Strawberry, Mara Des Bois
Bareroot Strawberry, Mara Des Bois

Bareroot Strawberry, Mara Des Bois


Our favorite strawberry at Sarvodaya Farms. Mara Des Bois is the most flavorful, softest, melt-in-your-mouth strawberry you will ever try.  Strawberries are on the smaller side, but pack a bomb of passionfruit-strawberry flavor that will make you forget all strawberries before it. Amazing fragrance that can be smelled from feet away.  Perfect for container growing as well.

Mara Des Bois fruits all summer when temperatures are below 95 degrees.  Fruiting will stop at temperatures above 95, and resume when temperatures drop below 95.  In Southern California, expect two fruitings: one from spring to mid-summer, and then a smaller fruiting as we approach fall.  Support your plants with a mid-summer feeding of compost.

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Bareroot Blueberry Trio (3 plants) for California
Bareroot Blueberry Trio (3 plants) for California
Bareroot Blueberry Trio (3 plants) for California
Bareroot Blueberry Trio (3 plants) for California

Bareroot Blueberry Trio (3 plants) for California


Our bareroot blueberry trio is a mix of three varieties that are well adapted for growth in California. These Southern Highbush varieties require very few chill hours, have upright bushy growth, and will fruit well in warmer climates. 

Blueberries will fruit better with multiple varieties available for cross-pollination and you will get an extended harvest due, hence this trio. The three varieties included in our trio are: Biloxi, O'Neal, and Misty.  See below for variety descriptions.

We highly recommend growing blueberries in 15 gallon GrowBags with an acidic organic fertilizer.



Biloxi Blueberries are a low-chill to no-chill berry that produces medium-sized, firm, and juicy berries. The fruit is fairly sweet which makes it ideal for eating fresh, baking, freezing, and juicing.
Berry Size: Medium
Plant Height: 12 - 18 inch
Freezing Quality: Excellent
Berry Flavor: Excellent
Berry Firmness: Firm
Growing Zones: 8-11
Cold Hardy: Fair
Unique Quality: Biloxi blueberry plants can grow in extremely southern areas and require almost no chill hours.
Maturity Height: 5-6' Upright

This southern highbush variety has a moderately vigorous, rounded, semi-upright, spreading growth habit. The plant also features limber branches capable of holding lots of berries! The summer foliage has an attractive green-gray color accented with red branches and stems. O’Neal blueberries have a dark blue color and a very sweet “berry” taste, perhaps one of the best-tasting southern highbush blueberries on the market.

Berry Size: Large
Maturity Height: 4-6' Upright
Season: Very Early
Freezing Quality: Excellent
Berry Firmness: Firm
Growing Zones: 5-9
Cold Hardy: Hardy
Taste: Very Sweet
Unique Quality: Considered to be the Best Tasting out of all Southern Varieties.
Plant Height: 12 - 18 inch


Misty is one of the most attractive, vigorous and high yielding Southern Highbush varieties. The bright blue-green foliage provides a perfect contrast to the pink and white spring flowers and sky blue summer fruit. Yields best when planted with other varieties. Chilling needs are very low at 300 hours, but don't hesitate to plant it all the way to Seattle. One of the most popular varieties in California because of fast growth, high yields, consistent quality.

Berry Size: Large
Maturity Height: 4-6' Upright
Season: Early
Freezing Quality: Excellent
Berry Firmness: Firm
Growing Zones: 5 - 10
Cold Hardy: Hardy
Taste: Sweet
Unique Quality: Misty is One of the Highest Yielding of the Southern Varieties.

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Bareroot Strawberry, Seascape
Bareroot Strawberry, Seascape
Bareroot Strawberry, Seascape
Bareroot Strawberry, Seascape

Bareroot Strawberry, Seascape


Our favorite traditional flavored strawberry at Sarvodaya Farms. Seascape is the wonderfully tender, juicy, and reminiscent of strawberries from your childhood.  Strawberries are medium size, and extremely flavorful. Perfect for container growing as well.

Seascape fruits all summer when temperatures are below 95 degrees.  Fruiting will stop at temperatures above 95, and resume when temperatures drop below 95.  In Southern California, expect two fruitings: one from spring to mid-summer, and then a smaller fruiting as we approach fall.  Support your plants with a mid-summer feeding of compost.

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Bareroot Raspberry, Joan J Red
Bareroot Raspberry, Joan J Red
Bareroot Raspberry, Joan J Red
Bareroot Raspberry, Joan J Red
Bareroot Raspberry, Joan J Red

Bareroot Raspberry, Joan J Red


Joan J Red Raspberry is a popular THORNLESS PRIMOCANE cultivar of red raspberry plant that is known for its exceptional taste and high yield. This variety produces large, plump berries that are bright red in color and have a sweet, tangy flavor that is perfect for eating fresh, baking, or making jams and preserves. Primocane means this plant produces on new growth every season!

The plants are vigorous and hardy, and can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions. They typically start producing fruit in early to mid-summer and continue to do so for several weeks, ensuring that you have a steady supply of delicious berries to enjoy.

In addition to its excellent flavor and productivity, Joan J Red Raspberry is also a great choice for home gardeners because it is easy to care for. The plants prefer well-draining soil and regular watering, but are otherwise fairly low-maintenance. They can be grown in containers or in the ground, and can even tolerate some shade.

Whether you're an experienced gardener or a beginner, Joan J Red Raspberry is a great choice for anyone who loves fresh, flavorful berries. So why not add this delicious and versatile plant to your garden today and enjoy the fruits of your labor all summer long!

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Bareroot Raspberry, Tahi
Bareroot Raspberry, Tahi

Bareroot Raspberry, Tahi


'Tahi', is the first completely spineless black raspberry variety! This vigorous variety produces large, medium firm fruit up to 4.5g in size and a deep black color. No more worries about pruning and picking with its hassle-free, spineless design. 

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Bareroot Berry Planting Instructions

Yay! Thank you for ordering Bareroot Berries from us.  We appreciate your support and we're so excited for you to enjoy the absolutely delight that is homegrown berries.Before you get to planting, let us answer some of your Frequently Asked Questions:

#1.  My plants look dead!  Are they dead?????

No you're plants are not dead.  They are dormant, meaning they've gone to sleep for the winter.  That's the whole idea behind bareroot plants.  Because they are asleep, we can move them around without soil or water, and they are fine!  Once the weather warms up, they will sprout and start growing quickly!

#2.  Okay I've received my plants, when should I plant them out???

You can plant your bareroots as soon as your last frost date. If you don't know your last frost date, you probably don't live in an area with frost (we're looking at your most of California), and can plant immediately!

#3.  I'm not ready to plant yet.  How do I store my plants?

Store your plants in a pot with any potting soil, and just keep the potting soil moist until you are ready to plant.  If you are in a cold climate, store your pot of bareroots in a garage or sheltered environment.

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Caneberry (Blackberry & Raspberry)
Growing Instructions

Caneberries are easy to plant and grow! They can be grown in-ground or in a pot.

Our Prime Ark Freedom variety makes most insanely large blackberry you've ever seen, and will fruit multiple times in areas with long summers.  If plants are treated well, you can expect a small late summer harvest your first year, and larger harvests in subsequent years. Once plants are established, you should see 2 to 4 harvests in subsequent years depending on the length of your summer.

Joan J Red and Tahi will also fruit in their first year, with a small late summer harvest if they are healthy. Expect larger harvests in subsequent years.

Choosing a location

Prime Ark Freedom Blackberries can grow in full sun, and prefer a long sunny day (about 8 hours of light).  They will still grow and fruit with less light as well (about 5-6 hours).  Choose the sunniest location you have available.

Joan J Red and Tahi Raspberries prefer less sun and less intense sun.  Preferred planting areas would have full morning sun, then mottled daylight, followed by shade from the harsh afternoon sun.  If that is hard to accomplish in your yard, consider planting in a pot, and moving the plants to a shady spot for the mid-summer hot season when the sun's rays becomes too intense.

Container Planting Instructions

For potting caneberries, you'll need a 15 gallon size or larger pot.  One plant will go in each pot.  We recommend using fabric pots for all potted plants as they prevent root circling and allow better airflow into the roots.

Prepare enough potting mix for to fill each pot.  You can use any commercial organic potting mix for this, or make your own.  Our potting mix recipe is simple: 1 part compost to 1 part coconut fiber to 1 part perlite.  All of those ingredients should be available at your local nursery (including at Sarvodaya Farms).

Once each pot is filled, plant your bareroot plant, and water well.

Add a LARGE SIZE tomato cage around your plant to provide support as it grows tall.  Your caneberry will grow long branches that can get about 8 to 12 feet long (though you'll prune them off once they get to about 6 feet long).

That's all! Head to care instructions below.

In-ground Planting Instructions

Prepare you planting area by clearing out any other plants. Caneberries need about 3ft of space to grow.

If you have never amended your soil before, add 3-4 inches of compost to the top of your soil in a 3ft diameter and 1 cup of  slow release sea mineral organic fertilizer.

If you have amended your soil before, a half inch of compost should do you fine. Caneberries don't need a ton of fertility.

Plant your bareroots into the soil and water them in.  See trellising option below.

Trellising Options

For just a few plants (3 or less)

Support each plant individually with a LARGE tomato cage.  These are available at most nurseries.  Get the tallest size available, as these blackberries will grow tall quickly.

For Multiple (4+) Plants

A two strand trellis like the one pictured will work well for multiple plants.  You can make these quite long and support lots of plants well.  As the plants grow up, guide their branches above the lower and upper strand.

Care Instructions

Caneberries don't need much care.  They are vigorous and resilient all on their own.  Pruning is the #1 task to encourage more fruiting on these.

To prune your blackberries:
As your plants grow, they will send up 3-4 canes (aka branches) from the ground.  When each cane reaches 4-5ft, cut the tip (the last 2 inches of the cane) off.  This will encourage the plant to make more branches, and more branches will mean more fruit.  You can continue to pinch the tips off of branches that get 4-5 ft long throughout the growing season to encourage more fruiting.

If you'd like to encourage extra abundant fruiting, there are a few steps you can take, especially if you live in California, where Prime Ark Freedom can fruit 4x per year.

Dress the soil with 1/4 inch of compost after every flowering/fruiting.

Spray the leaves of the plants with a liquid organic fertilizer like Neptunes Harvest Fish & Seaweed once a month.

While blackberries are establishing, water them whenever the top 4 inches of your soil has dried.  Once caneberries are established (after 1 year of growth), water when the top 9 inches of your soil has dried.

Strawberry Growing Instructions

Strawberries are the best garden snack.  Both Seascape and Mara du Bois are Everbearing varieties, meaning they will produce fruit all summer long while temperatures are moderate.

Choosing a Location

Strawberries prefer long days of gentle sunlight; think of mid-day sun on the coast of CA.

Choose an area that best replicates this type of location.  The ideal location gets full morning sun, mottled mid-day sun, and full evening sun.

Planting in full sun is just fine too, just expect your berries to slow or stop fruit production during the middle of summer when temperatures reach above 95 degrees. If planting in full sun, consider putting shade cloth over strawberries during the hottest part of summer.

Container Planting Instructions

For potting strawberries, you'll need a 3 gallon size or larger pot.  Plants should be spaced about 12 inches apart.  We recommend using fabric pots for all potted plants as they prevent root circling and allow better airflow into the roots.

We highly recommend planting strawberries around the edges of larger pots (15 gallon and up) and planting something tall in the middle of that pot (like a small fruit tree).

Prepare enough potting mix for to fill each pot.  You can use any commercial organic potting mix for this, or make your own.  Our potting mix recipe is simple: 1 part compost to 1 part coconut fiber to 1 part perlite.  All of those ingredients should be available at your local nursery (including at Sarvodaya Farms).

Once each pot is filled, plant your bareroot plants 1 ft apart, and water well.

In-ground Planting Instructions

Prepare you planting area by clearing out any other plants. For strawberries we recommend beds that are 30 to 36 inches wide so you can easily reach all fruit.

If you have never amended your soil before, mix 3-4 inches of compost and 1 cup of powdered organic fertilizer to the top 6 inches of your soil in your planting bed.

If you have amended your soil before, a half inch of compost and some powdered fertilizer will suffice.

Plant your bareroots into the soil and water them in.

Care Instructions

Strawberry plants are fairly vigorous and resilient. Strawberry fruits themselves, however, are very attractive to everyone for their juicy sweet fruits. The hardest part of growing strawberries is getting to them before the bugs.

There are few strategies that can help here.

- Having healthy, strong plants means they will produce plenty of fruit and you will have enough to share with bugs and harvest.  We feed our strawberries weekly with Neptunes Harvest Liquid Fertilizer, and all the micronutrients in this mix keep the plants super healthy and lush.

- Planting strawberries so fruit can hang over the edges of a raised bed or in a vertical garden or tower is the easiest way to keep bugs off of your fruit.

- Regular harvesting is the last best strategy for keeping your fruit. Strawberry plants will ripen fruit almost daily, so be sure to get out there and eat them!

Water strawberries regularly, whenever the top 4 inches of your soil has dried.

Blueberry Growing Instructions

Blueberries are easy to grow IF YOU FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS.  The plants will produce vigorously over 1 to 2 months starting in their 2nd year.

Container Planting Instructions

Blueberries prefer long days of gentle sunlight; think of mid-day sun on the coast of CA.

Since blueberries can only be grown in pots, plan on moving your blueberry plants throughout the summer season.

In spring, plants can be in full sun. Once temperatures start to rise (85 F and above), move plants to a semi-shady area. In fall, as temperatutes start to fall again, move plants back into full sun.

Alternatively, plan to add shade cloth over plants in mid-summer to protect them from extreme heat and damaging summer rays.

Container Planting Instructions

For potting blueberries, you'll need a 15 gallon size pot for each plant or you can put 3 plants together in one 30 gallon pot.  We recommend using fabric pots for all potted plants as they prevent root circling and allow better airflow into the roots.

Prepare enough potting mix for to fill each pot.  DO NOT use a commercial potting mix.  Use our simple Blueberry Potting Mix:

- 75% Peat Moss
- 25% Compost
- 1 cup of Acid Lovers Fertilizer per 15 gallon pot or 2 cups per 30 gallon pot.

Once each pot is filled, plant your bareroot plants.

In-ground Planting Instructions


Care Instructions

Blueberry plants are stress free plants as long as you have following our planting instructions.  You can put them out in full sun during spring, but move them to filtered sun (under a sparse canopy tree or shade cloth) during the heat of summer.

Pick off any flowers and fruit in the first year, so the plants can focus on growth.  You can do the same the 2nd year if you are a patient person.

The heavily peat potting mix will hold water really well.  Event in the heat of summer, you should not need to water more than 1 time per 3 days.

Refresh plants annually by adding another cup of Acid Lovers Fertilizer.  Prune after the 3rd year for openness and shape.