Subtropical Trees & Plants at Sarvodaya Farms

Can I grow subtropical trees in my home garden?

If you live in California, you most likely can grow Subtropical Plants outdoors in you garden without a greenhouse or any kind of covering.  There's a few easy ways to know if you can grow subtropicals:

1. If you get no frost, or very little frost in your garden.

2. If nightime, winter temperatures in your garden never go below 30 degrees F

3. If you see your neighbors growing subtropicals such as bananas, papayas, or guavas.

If any of these sound like your garden space, you CAN GROW SUBTROPICALS!

What should I know before ordering?

#1 Subtropicals are best planted in the early Spring, around March for most people. Plant outside when NIGHTTIME temperatures are consistently in the low 50s or higher. Planting in early Spring, will give subtropicals the MOST amount of warm growing days over the Spring and Summer to establish before damaging winter cold sets in.

#2 Plant subtropicals in the warmest place in your garden.   This could be near a building or a wall that absorbs and then releases heat at night. Planting on a slope also helps cold air drain AWAY from subtropical plants.

#3 For the first few seasons, you may need to provide some  winter cold protection.  There are few easy ways to do this: a) place large rocks or concrete blocks around the base of your subtropical plant b) place 1 gallon milk jugs filled with water around the base of your plant c) cover your plant with a clear plastic sheet d) wrap non-LED christmas lights around your subtropical plant

#4 Expect winter damage. Subtropical plants WILL get damaged in the Winter if they are planted outdoors and THAT IS OKAY. We primarily want to limit damage and prevent any structural or catastrophic damage.

Our Subtropical Selection


Avocado, Kona Sharwil
Avocado, Kona Sharwil

Avocado, Kona Sharwil


Kona Sharwil avocados are prized for their buttery flesh and nutty flavor. They have a cold hardiness of 32°F, medium-thin skin, and fruit size of 8-16 oz. They are known for their green skin as it ripens, and grow into a relatively upright tree. Enjoy their fresh taste from November to January.

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Avocado, Reed
Avocado, Reed

Avocado, Reed


Reed avocados are a medium to large, round to oval-shaped variety with a tough, leathery green skin. The creamy, buttery texture and dense, firm flesh underneath is perfect for serving sizes up to 32 oz. and is much less oily than most other varieties. Reed avocados are ideal as a serving vessel, and their large round seed provides an extra crunch.

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Avocado, Hass
Avocado, Hass

Avocado, Hass


Enjoy superior taste with the Hass avocado – 95% of all avocados eaten in the USA. This variety, one of the newest, has a rich creamy flesh for an unbeatable flavor. Most Hass trees bloom twice a year and occasionally there is a third bloom. Hass trees start bearing fruit in three to five years and grow from 15 to 30 feet tall.

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Avocado, Carmen Hass
Avocado, Carmen Hass

Avocado, Carmen Hass


Carmen Hass Avocado is an excellent choice for a flavorful fruit harvest. It bears medium-thick, black skin and an oval shape, with two distinct crops every year and a medium-spreading canopy. It grows best in the ground and is sensitive to temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Enjoy this unique flavor and texture in your next batch of avocados!


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Avocado, Holiday
Avocado, Holiday

Avocado, Holiday


The Holiday Avocado is an A-type Guatemalan Avocado, ideal for container and inground cultivation. Known for its high productivity and green 18-24oz pear-shaped fruit, the Holiday Avocado is a great backyard tree. Enjoy a bounty of sweet, green avocados with this frost-sensitive variety.

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Banana, Blue Java Ice Cream
Banana, Blue Java Ice Cream
Banana, Blue Java Ice Cream
Banana, Blue Java Ice Cream

Banana, Blue Java Ice Cream


A fast-growing, cold-tolerant variety, the Ice Cream Banana is known for its hardy qualities and delicious taste...especially since it produces fruit that actually tastes like ice cream. And you get a tropical look plus amazing strength, since this tree boasts substantial leaves, a strong trunk and well-developed root system that holds up well against the elements. 

Plus, it's an effortlessly-growing specimen with gigantic leaves and a stout, sturdy trunk. The lime green leaves are complemented by blue-tinted bananas.  

Ice Cream Bananas can tolerate partial shade, but need at least six hours of sunlight a day. Banana Trees don’t like extreme heat, so afternoon shade will be more beneficial for your tree than morning shade. Avoid areas that receive high winds. If you keep it indoors, place your banana tree by a large sunny window.

Remove any damaged or broken leaves that hang downwards. After your tree has fruited, trim it back to about 30 inches tall, and let the stem dry out for a week or two. Once the stem has dried, remove it. This will allow new banana tree stalks to grow.

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Banana, Pearl
Banana, Pearl

Banana, Pearl


A very productive Southern California banana variety, the Pearl banana has been growing at The Growing Home for 20+ years. As it happens periodically, we are unsure of the variety, so The Growing Home named it Pearl in honor of Rishi's mother. 

This banana plant has short palms that produce large, heavy bunches of bananas (80lbs+ on the larger side). Fruit are slightly longer in length (8 to 10 inches) than Manzano, but narrower. The fruit has taste similar to store bananas (Cavendish), but richer in every way- smoother texture, creamier, more complex flavor. It is a highly recommended unknown variety. 

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Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger
Banana, Goldfinger

Banana, Goldfinger


Really like eating bananas??

Then you want this variety!! This variety is fragrant, sweet and abundant, get ready for big bunches. We’ve been growing these at the Growing Home since 2015 

The most productive banana we've grown in Los Angeles. Palms grow and divide very quickly, producing think diameter palms in good stands. Fruits quickly given appropriate conditions, and produces large bunches of 6-8 inch long fruit. These bananas have the taste of a mixture of tropical fruits, and have a denser texture almost like a plantain.

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Banana, Truly Tiny
Banana, Truly Tiny

Banana, Truly Tiny


No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. The 'truly  tiny' banana is actually very small! It is the smallest edible fruit-producing banana in the world and is a miniature version of the Dwarf Cavendish Banana. Because it is such a compact plant, it can easily be grown in a pot indoors or outdoors where it can get plenty of sun. 


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Banana, Double Mahoi
Banana, Double Mahoi

Banana, Double Mahoi

The Double Mahoi is a great tasting banana and is a mutation of Dwarf Cavendish. It’s a great backyard addition. The difference is it will start fruiting double, sometimes triple heads of fruit on one plant. The bananas are sweet dessert quality, and the plant is very productive and a fast grower.
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Banana, Cardaba
Banana, Cardaba

Banana, Cardaba


The cardaba banana originates from the Philippines and is primarily a cooking banana although it can also be eaten raw. They have very large and robust pseudostems that grow up to 15 ft. It takes around 339 days to flower, and 479 days for the fruits to be ready to harvest. Each bunch contains around 150 fruits in 9 hands. The fruits are distinctively larger than saba bananas and have a rounder more pentagonal cross-section. They are typically harvested while unripe since they are used as cooking bananas, but they can be eaten as is if allowed to ripen.

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Banana, Orinoco
Banana, Orinoco
Banana, Orinoco
Banana, Orinoco

Banana, Orinoco


The 'Orinoco' is a solid green banana that grows to about 16 feet. If it is crowded it can achieve 20 feet. The fruit is about 8 to 10 inches long and of an angular form. It is quite thick, up to 2 inches and tapered at the tip. There is very little curvature to the fruit. 

When mature, the fruit has a silky texture with a firm, slightly fibrous core. These bananas are somewhat starchy, but will develop a delicious sweet flavor and soft texture when fully ripened. The fruit can ripen on the plant without splitting.

Cold and wind hardy, originally from Venezuela.

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Banana, Pisang Raja
Banana, Pisang Raja
Banana, Pisang Raja
Banana, Pisang Raja

Banana, Pisang Raja


The Pisang Raja is the most productive of the orange-fleshed bananas and produces a slightly fuzzy fruit that is deliciously sweet. When fully ripe, it has almost no starchiness, which lends itself to be quite creamy and dense. It is somewhat tolerant of the cold and wind. 

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Banana, Grand Nain
Banana, Grand Nain
Banana, Grand Nain
Banana, Grand Nain

Banana, Grand Nain


An extra-special banana for extra-special occasions! Grand Nain bananas from Chiquita have a proud 150+ year tradition of delivering a full-bodied flavor and texture that's heard 'round the world. When you're in the mood for something sweet (or savory!), reach for a Grand Nain! This variety is surprisingly disease-resistant, making them a great choice for all your banana-loving needs!

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Banana, Gros Michel
Banana, Gros Michel

Banana, Gros Michel


The Gros Michel banana is known for its sweet flavor and creamy texture. Enjoy the flavor that will take you back in time, and still remain a timeless favorite today. These rare Southeast Asian gems are hard to find - luckily you don't need to traipse through Central America to get your hands on them! A testament to their resilience, Gros Michel has captivated fruit lovers for centuries with its unique flavor, and is a delicious reminder of what used to be.

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Banana, Dwarf Namwah
Banana, Dwarf Namwah

Banana, Dwarf Namwah


This dwarf variety has a supreme, sweet flavor with a creamy texture, The dwarf Namwah matures to height of 9-10 feet with a reddish-pink colored trunk.  Plants are very fast growing, cold and heat tolerant, and suitable for growing in a planter if needed.

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Banana, Brazilian Giant
Banana, Brazilian Giant
Banana, Brazilian Giant
Banana, Brazilian Giant

Banana, Brazilian Giant


The Brazilian Giant banana is super sweet, creamy, with sour tones. A golden yellow when fully ripe, their texture is slightly firm like that of a ripe plantain, yet still offers a silky mouthfeel. They are superiorly sweet but balanced with a hint of tart green flavors, and are often regarded as one of the best-tasting banana varieties on the market.

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Dragonfruit, S8 Sugardragon
Dragonfruit, S8 Sugardragon
Dragonfruit, S8 Sugardragon
Dragonfruit, S8 Sugardragon
Dragonfruit, S8 Sugardragon

Dragonfruit, S8 Sugardragon


A staff favorite. Sugardragon has the best flavor of any Dragonfruit variety we've tried. The fruit ranges from 1/2lb to 3/4lb and packs a punch. The sweetest of the dragonfruits we offer, with a uniquely strong floral-rose flavor.  The texture is light and smooth, with a light crunch from the seeds. Highly recommended.

Sugardragon is self-fertile and requires no cross pollination. The plant is not a vigorous grower, but the flavor of the fruits is worth the space in your garden. Strong, sturdy plants with a dark forest green skin.

The S8 or Sugar Dragon Dragonfruit is a hybrid variety that was created right here is Southern California. Although it is small in size and weighs about half a pound, S8 is often heralded as the sweetest of all dragonfruit.  The flavor is of sweet roses. These plants are also self-fertile so no hand pollination is required. This variety is Farmer Rishi's favorite variety.

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Dragonfruit, Palora Yellow
Dragonfruit, Palora Yellow

Dragonfruit, Palora Yellow


Palora Yellow is similar to the Yellow dragonfruit in shape and taste, yet it can grow up to two times the size. It is also hardier and has a more aggressive growth habit. With a yellow skin and a white, almost translucent flesh, the Palora Yellow dragonfruit boasts a sweet flavor with crunchy seeds. And its tasty fruit is not its only attractive feature - at night, the flowers bloom in full and give off a sweet scent.

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Dragonfruit, Vietnamese White
Dragonfruit, Vietnamese White
Dragonfruit, Vietnamese White
Dragonfruit, Vietnamese White
Dragonfruit, Vietnamese White
Dragonfruit, Vietnamese White

Dragonfruit, Vietnamese White


The most commonly grown and known Dragonfruit, this variety is also very easy to grow.  Vigorous vines produce copious flowers, with a high percentage of flowers setting fruit via self-pollination.  Fruit is very large, 1.5 to 2lbs, and has a lightly sweet, white chocolate flavor with the texture of a watermelon.

During late spring to early fall, exquisite white flowers bloom throughout the night, producing an egg-shaped pink fruit with delicate green fins upon pollination. The striking contrast between the vibrant interior and exterior of this variety has captivated growers and consumers worldwide.

Highly recommended for first time Dragonfruit growers.

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Dragonfruit, Halley's Comet
Dragonfruit, Halley's Comet

Dragonfruit, Halley's Comet

Experience the luxury of Halleys Comet Dragon Fruit, a unique hybrid of Hylocereus undatus and Hylocereus guatemalensis. Its vibrant pink exterior is adorned with elegant green fins, revealing a succulent purple flesh that weighs 1.0 to 2.0 pounds. Indulge in the delicate sweetness of its flesh, with an average brix of 16. This exquisite variety boasts impressive flower blooms, over 13 inches in diameter, that last all summer long. Its vigorous growth and sun tolerance make it a top choice for any garden, with minimal sun burn. For optimal results, pollinate with Hylocereus polyrhizus.
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Dragonfruit, Condor
Dragonfruit, Condor

Dragonfruit, Condor


Tempt your taste buds with Condor Dragonfruit! This rare variety is a cross between a Nicaraguan and Guatemalan Pitahaya and it's the star of the Southern California Pitaya Festival. Its bright purple flesh and light green & pink hued skin looks just as delicious as it tastes - sweet, juicy and full of flavor with an average brix rating of 19. So come on, let your taste buds do the talking and go wild for this showstopper!

This sweet and juicy dragonfruit, is definitely worth getting your claws on! It's got a gorgeous look with its striking light green and pink hues, plus a sweet, refreshing taste that'll leave your taste buds soaring. Plus, it's large enough to feed the whole flock (weighing 1 to 1.5 pounds!) – so dive in!

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Dragonfruit, Physical Graffiti
Dragonfruit, Physical Graffiti

Dragonfruit, Physical Graffiti


Indulge in the succulent, pink-tinged skin and luscious, purple-hued flesh of this exquisite Dragonfruit, Physical Graffiti. Each fruit weighs between 0.75 to 1.5 pounds, making it medium to large in size. This exceptional variety is a must-try for home cultivators, boasting an unparalleled flavor. While it does require cross-pollination from other other red flesh varieties, the end result is well worth the effort.

The hybrid Dragonfruit, Physical Graffiti, is bred from both Hylocereus guatemalensis and Hylocereus undatus. Its large nocturnal blooms, over 14 inches in diameter, are abundant throughout the summer months. This variety boasts extensive flower production, making it a favorite among growers. Its growth pattern, typical of Hylocereus undatus, is characterized by three-sided growth and vigorous development. Additional research suggests that the 1-S variety and Physical Graffiti are one and the same, as the former was created by Paul Thomson. The 1-S is a hybrid of Rixford, a purple-fleshed Guatemalan variety, and Niezel, a white-fleshed undatus variety.

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Dragonfruit, Thomson
Dragonfruit, Thomson

Dragonfruit, Thomson


Thomson Dragonfruit, crafted by the renowned California Rare Fruit Growers, is a tribute to co-founder and fruit expert Paul H. Thomson. This substantial fruit can reach up to 2 pounds in weight and boasts a delightfully refreshing, white pulp that effortlessly peels from its sturdy exterior. Not only is this variety self-pollinating, but it also yields a high quantity of fruit. The stems, featuring small thorns, are thick and three-sided, while the striking, large white flowers bloom at night.

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Eugenia Fruits

Surinam Cherry
Surinam Cherry
Surinam Cherry
Surinam Cherry
Surinam Cherry
Surinam Cherry

Surinam Cherry


One of our favorite backyard fruits for California!  Surinam Cherry is a stunning tree, with glossy green foliage and red new growth tips that produces of the most delicious and unique tasting fruits we've had.

The jewel like Surinam cherries have a sweet, fragrant, and almost spiced flavor that is unlike anything else you've had. The tree is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree that is native to South America. This tree is prized for its ornamental value, as well as its delicious and nutritious fruit.

The Surinam cherry tree can grow up to 20 feet tall and has glossy, dark green leaves that are 2 to 6 inches long. The tree produces small, fragrant white flowers that bloom in the spring and summer, which are followed by small, bright red to black fruit that resembles a cherry. The fruit is juicy and sweet, with a slightly tart flavor, and is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants.

In addition to its ornamental and culinary value, the Surinam cherry tree is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including fever, coughs, and diarrhea. The tree is also known to attract birds and other wildlife, making it a great addition to any backyard or garden.

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Pitangatuba / Star Cherry, Big Long
Pitangatuba / Star Cherry, Big Long
Pitangatuba / Star Cherry, Big Long
Pitangatuba / Star Cherry, Big Long

Pitangatuba / Star Cherry, Big Long


Pitangatuba or star cherry, is a golden fruit looks like a star and tastes like a mix of juicy mango, tangy passion fruit, and sweet pineapple. Its acid-sweet combination makes it totally unique. And here's the best part: despite its love for warmth, you can keep it cozy and warm indoors during the cooler months, so you can enjoy this tropical treat anywhere!

Pitangatuba can be cultivated as a bush or petite tree. It would make a delightful addition to any food-focused landscape, thanks to its easy-to-handle stature, gorgeous dark green leaves, resistance to pests and illness, and heavenly fruit. It thrives in full or partial sunlight and is suitable for growing in containers or the earth.

Pitangatuba fruits year-round and has heavy seasons in spring and summer. The delicate fruit spoils quickly, making it difficult to find quality. Eat it fresh or use in drinks and desserts!

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Pitomba, Big fruit
Pitomba, Big fruit

Pitomba, Big fruit


Another gem from the Eugenia family, Pitomba is an apricot-colored, round to pear-shaped, and has a soft, melting, juicy flesh with a highly aromatic slightly acidic flavor. It is similar in taste and color to an apricot and is rich in vitamin C.

Hailing from Brazil, the Pitomba can reach heights of 20 feet and a width of 15 feet. Its lush foliage boasts bronzey hairs on young leaves, while matured ones are a rich green. With a trunk resembling a guava, its flowers bloom in late spring or early summer, and in warmer climates, twice a year, producing 1-1.25 inch, orange-yellow fruit.

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Guayabilla / Sundrop
Guayabilla / Sundrop
Guayabilla / Sundrop
Guayabilla / Sundrop

Guayabilla / Sundrop



Related to Surinam Cherry, Guaybilla is a tart fruit from Colombia, often used to make juice. The fruit is large, measuring 3 to 4 inches across, with a shiny, thin orange skin and 2 to 4 seeds inside. Guayabilla is a great source of vitamin C and packed with antioxidants, copper, magnesium, and vitamin C, to potentially decrease the risk of chronic diseases and promote healthy skin.

Rare in the US, Guayabilla is  shrub or small tree that reaches a height of 10 feet. It has droopy branches and fine elliptical leaves with deep veins, and produces clusters of white flowers.   To successfully grow Guayabilla in USDA Zones 10-11, plant in moist, acidic soil with high organic content. Despite being compact, the plant can be grown in a container, but beware of frosts and consider bringing indoors in colder areas. Pruning is not necessary for this


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Fruits of India

Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)
Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)

Jamun Tree (seedling of Krishnarani)


Jamun tree is a large and beautiful evergreen tree native to South Asia / Indian subcontinent. It is renowned for its rich purple-black fruits, which are packed with flavor and nutritional benefits. Jamun tree is not just a tree, but a symbol of health and wellness that has been revered in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

The 1 to 1.5 inch long, oblong-shaped fruits are bursting with a sweet, tangy, and uniquely astringent flavor that will leave your taste buds craving for more.  In India, they are often eaten with a dusting of coarse rock salt. They are also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making them a perfect addition to a healthy diet.

The Jamun tree is easy to grow and maintain, and it can thrive in a wide range of climates. It is a great addition to any garden, providing shade and beauty while also providing an abundant supply of nutritious fruits. In addition to its fruit, the tree is also prized for its medicinal properties. Its bark, leaves, and seeds have all been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, from diabetes to diarrhea.

It has a dense, spreading crown with glossy, dark green leaves that are oval in shape and about 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) in length. The tree produces small, fragrant, white flowers that bloom in clusters and are followed by the fruit, which ripens from green to dark purple-black. In Southern California, expect fruit to ripen around November.

These are seedling (ungrafted) trees of our mother Krisharani Jamun. Expect first fruiting in the 6th to 7th year after planting.

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Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry
Phalsa / Sherbert Berry

Phalsa / Sherbert Berry

A unique fruit from South Asia, Phalsa the Skittles of the fruit world. Small reddish-blue berries that are sweet and tart, with soft almost crunchy texture and a single seed inside. Traditionally, phalsa is eaten fresh and juiced. Phalsa is a subtropical deciduous shrub or small tree that has long skinny droopy branches when mature. It bears small clusters of yellow blossoms in the spring. It's a fast-growing plant, with most plants producing berries in their second year. Easy to prune - cut the whole plant down every winter!
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Amla / Indian Gooseberry
Amla / Indian Gooseberry
Amla / Indian Gooseberry
Amla / Indian Gooseberry

Amla / Indian Gooseberry


Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is a fruiting tree native to the Indian subcontinent that has been valued for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine for its many health benefits. This plant is known for its small, round fruit that is greenish-yellow in color and has a very sour, astringent taste.

In Ayurveda, Amla is considered to be a powerful rasayana, or rejuvenator, that can help to promote overall health and longevity. It is believed to be an excellent source of Vitamin C, and is often used to boost the immune system and support respiratory health.

Amla is also thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help to protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation. It is commonly used to support healthy digestion, and is believed to be effective in treating a variety of digestive ailments, such as constipation, acid reflux, and ulcers.

In addition to its many healing properties, Amla is also used in a variety of culinary applications. The fruit is often used to make chutneys, pickles, and jams, and is also used in a variety of traditional Ayurvedic preparations.

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Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)
Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)
Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)
Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)
Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)
Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)
Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)
Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)

Jamun, Krishnarani (grafted)

Krishnarani is our exclusive variety of Jamun, originally grown from seed by us starting in 2008.  Our mother tree produces extremely large fruit (up to 2 inches long & 1.5 inches wide), and has been extremely productive in Southern California. This listing is for GRAFTED Krishnarani Jamun trees.

Jamun tree is a large and beautiful evergreen tree native to South Asia / Indian subcontinent. It is renowned for its rich purple-black fruits, which are packed with flavor and nutritional benefits. Jamun tree is not just a tree, but a symbol of health and wellness that has been revered in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

The 1 to 1.5 inch long, oblong-shaped fruits are bursting with a sweet, tangy, and uniquely astringent flavor that will leave your taste buds craving for more.  In India, they are often eaten with a dusting of coarse rock salt. They are also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making them a perfect addition to a healthy diet.

The Jamun tree is easy to grow and maintain, and it can thrive in a wide range of climates. It is a great addition to any garden, providing shade and beauty while also providing an abundant supply of nutritious fruits. In addition to its fruit, the tree is also prized for its medicinal properties. Its bark, leaves, and seeds have all been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, from diabetes to diarrhea.

It has a dense, spreading crown with glossy, dark green leaves that are oval in shape and about 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) in length. The tree produces small, fragrant, white flowers that bloom in clusters and are followed by the fruit, which ripens from green to dark purple-black. In Southern California, expect fruit to ripen around November.

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Litchi, Seedling
Litchi, Seedling

Litchi, Seedling

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Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian
Guava, Purple Malaysian

Guava, Purple Malaysian


A rare variety we inherited from our neighbor. Malaysian Red Guava is a productive tree from Malaysia, producing medium size fruit for eating fresh off the tree or canning and preserving. The bumpy, round shaped fruit is maroon on the exterior with a unique pinkish-cream interior flesh. Fruit are floral, mild and aromatic with a sweet juicy pulp. 

Guava will grow happily, flower and fruit in a pot or in-ground. They add a tropical accent to any outdoor space, garden or patio. In cooler zones a containerized Guava can be relocated indoors for the winter months.

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Guava, Indian Pink
Guava, Indian Pink

Guava, Indian Pink


The pink guava fruit grows on evergreen trees, and they grow up to 4 inches with an ovate shape. They have smooth green skin that can ripen to a yellowish-golden hue with pink flesh inside. The taste has been described as a cross between a papaya and a pear with a mild sweetness.


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Strawberry Guava
Strawberry Guava
Strawberry Guava
Strawberry Guava
Strawberry Guava
Strawberry Guava

Strawberry Guava


Guava, Strawberry (Psidium cattleianum)

Native to Brazil, Strawberry Guava is a heavy producing, drought tolerant, evergreen tree/shrub that bears gorgeous blooms and delicious pink fruits!

Strawberry Guava flowers are quite fragrant and a favorite of bees and butterflies. Fruit is deep-reddish pink and has a light strawberry-like flavor, very juicy fruit. Fruit can be eaten straight off of the bush or made into jam, jelly, drinks, etc...  Seeds are hard, but edible. A nutritious tea can be made from the leaves. 

Strawberry Guava trees typically grow from 15-25 feet tall but their size is easily managed, making this fruit tree very suitable for containers and growing indoors.

  • Good for patio gardens
  • Can be grown in Pots
  • Sold in Fabric Pot
  • Potted in SarvodayaFarms special potting mix
  • Grown using organic practices


Plant Care

Plant Type: Evergreen Fruit Tree

Harvest Season: Bears main crop in mid to late-Summer.

Mature Size: 15 to 25 ft

Soil & Moisture:  Requires consistent moisture for best performance, needs well-draining soil.

Exposure: Full Sun with brief midday shade is ideal, Part Sun

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Lemon Guava
Lemon Guava
Lemon Guava
Lemon Guava

Lemon Guava


The Lemon Guava is a tasty tropical tree, with sweet, yellow fruit arrives in abundance from summer through fall. Lemon Guavas are mainly eaten raw but can also be cooked. The pulp is often used in fruit salads, smoothies, or in a marinade.  Lemon guavas, like most guava varieties, contain a high amount of vitamin A and folate. It also contains vitamins C (even greater amounts are in the skin) and B-complex vitamins as well as minerals like potassium.  It can be grown successfully as a potted plant in patio gardens. 

Fruit is ready to pick when completely yellow or nearly completely yellow. The fruit should also easily detach from the tree with a light pull when it is ready.

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Guava, Cambodian White
Guava, Cambodian White

Guava, Cambodian White


The yellow skin, white fleshed guava fruit grows on evergreen trees, and they grow up to 3 inches with an round shape.


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Papaya, Solo Sunrise (Strawberry)
Papaya, Solo Sunrise (Strawberry)
Papaya, Solo Sunrise (Strawberry)
Papaya, Solo Sunrise (Strawberry)
Papaya, Solo Sunrise (Strawberry)
Papaya, Solo Sunrise (Strawberry)

Papaya, Solo Sunrise (Strawberry)


Also knows as "strawberry" papaya, Sunrise has a freckled greenish-yellow skin that turns yellow as the fruit ripens. It has flesh that is a juicy, red-orange color and is very sweet.

Location: Papayas like to be warm with both sunshine and reflected heat, so the hottest place against the house where nothing else seems happy is an ideal location. They also like to be as free from wind as possible, although this is not as critical as their need for sun. Papayas can be grown successfully in shade, but the fruit is rarely sweet. They are best planted in mounds or against the foundation of a building where water can be controlled.

Soils: Papayas need a light, well-drained soil. They are easily killed by excess moisture. The soil needs to be moist in hot weather and dry in cold weather. Since this is the opposite of California's rain pattern, in addition to good drainage, plastic coverings to prevent over-wetting in winter may also be worthwhile. Papayas do not tolerate salty water or soil.

Irrigation: Watering is the most critical aspect in raising papayas. They should be kept on the dry side to avoid root rot, but also need enough water to support their large leaves. In winter the plant prefers to remain as dry as possible. A plant that has been injured by frost is particularly susceptible to root rot.

Fertilization: The fast-growing papaya requires regular applications of nitrogen fertilizers but the exact rates have not been established. Feed monthly and adjust according to the plant's response. They can take fairly hot organic fertilizing such as chicken manure if used with deep irrigation after warm weather has started. Phosphorus deficiency causes dark green foliage with a reddish-purple discoloration of leaf veins and stalks.

Pruning: Papayas do not need to be pruned, but some growers pinch the seedlings or cut back established plants to encourage multiple trunks.

Frost Protection: Papayas need warmth and a frost-free environment, but can often withstand light freezes with some kind of overhead protection. This can be provided by building a frame around the plants and covering it with bedding, plastic sheeting, etc. when frost threatens. Electric light bulbs can also be used for added warmth. Potted specimens can be moved to a frost-secure area. Prolonged cold, even if it does not freeze, may adversely affect the plants and the fruit. 

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Papaya, Solo Sunset
Papaya, Solo Sunset

Papaya, Solo Sunset


Solo Sunset Papaya showcases a vibrant yellow exterior and a unique salmon-pink flesh, these hybrid papayas deliver on flavor with their extra-firm texture and extended shelf-life. Grab your sunglasses and a Solo Sunset and be ready to enjoy the sunset...every day!

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Papaya, LA Seedling
Papaya, LA Seedling
Papaya, LA Seedling

Papaya, LA Seedling


Seedlings from our own trees here in Los Angeles, so you know they'll grow for you. 

Location: Papayas like to be warm with both sunshine and reflected heat, so the hottest place against the house where nothing else seems happy is an ideal location. They also like to be as free from wind as possible, although this is not as critical as their need for sun. Papayas can be grown successfully in shade, but the fruit is rarely sweet. They are best planted in mounds or against the foundation of a building where water can be controlled.

Soils: Papayas need a light, well-drained soil. They are easily killed by excess moisture. The soil needs to be moist in hot weather and dry in cold weather. Since this is the opposite of California's rain pattern, in addition to good drainage, plastic coverings to prevent over-wetting in winter may also be worthwhile. Papayas do not tolerate salty water or soil.

Irrigation: Watering is the most critical aspect in raising papayas. They should be kept on the dry side to avoid root rot, but also need enough water to support their large leaves. In winter the plant prefers to remain as dry as possible. A plant that has been injured by frost is particularly susceptible to root rot.

Fertilization: The fast-growing papaya requires regular applications of nitrogen fertilizers but the exact rates have not been established. Feed monthly and adjust according to the plant's response. They can take fairly hot organic fertilizing such as chicken manure if used with deep irrigation after warm weather has started. Phosphorus deficiency causes dark green foliage with a reddish-purple discoloration of leaf veins and stalks.

Pruning: Papayas do not need to be pruned, but some growers pinch the seedlings or cut back established plants to encourage multiple trunks.

Frost Protection: Papayas need warmth and a frost-free environment, but can often withstand light freezes with some kind of overhead protection. This can be provided by building a frame around the plants and covering it with bedding, plastic sheeting, etc. when frost threatens. Electric light bulbs can also be used for added warmth. Potted specimens can be moved to a frost-secure area. Prolonged cold, even if it does not freeze, may adversely affect the plants and the fruit. Mexican papayas are more hardy than Hawaiian varieties.

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Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya
Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya

Papaya, Waimanalo / Kamiya


Waimanalo Papaya

Waimanalo' variety, which has yellow-orange flesh and somewhat larger fruit than other 'Solo' papayas, is grown and marketed almost entirely on Oahu.

This papaya was developed in 1960 and was publicly introduced in 1968. In temperate zones it can be cultivated in large pots and taken indoors during the winter. As the name suggests, it starts bearing when very short and continues for a good couple of years.

Fruit Production: Papayas will bear fruit within a year, with the max production, happening in the first 2 years. Its good to replant papayas every 2 years. 

Growth Habit: The papaya is a short-lived, fast-growing, woody, large herb to 10 or 12 feet in height. It generally branches only when injured. All parts contain latex. The hollow green or deep purple trunk is straight and cylindrical with prominent leaf scars. Its diameter may be from 2 or 3 inches to over a foot at the base.

Location: Papayas like to be warm with both sunshine and reflected heat, so the hottest place against the house where nothing else seems happy is an ideal location. They also like to be as free from wind as possible, although this is not as critical as their need for sun. Papayas can be grown successfully in shade, but the fruit is rarely sweet. They are best planted in mounds or against the foundation of a building where water can be controlled.

Soils: Papayas need a light, well-drained soil. They are easily killed by excess moisture. The soil needs to be moist in hot weather and dry in cold weather. Since this is the opposite of California's rain pattern, in addition to good drainage, plastic coverings to prevent over-wetting in winter may also be worthwhile. Papayas do not tolerate salty water or soil.

Irrigation: Watering is the most critical aspect in raising papayas. They should be kept on the dry side to avoid root rot, but also need enough water to support their large leaves. In winter the plant prefers to remain as dry as possible. A plant that has been injured by frost is particularly susceptible to root rot.

Fertilization: The fast-growing papaya requires regular applications of nitrogen fertilizers but the exact rates have not been established. Feed monthly and adjust according to the plant's response. They can take fairly hot organic fertilizing such as chicken manure if used with deep irrigation after warm weather has started. Phosphorus deficiency casuses dark green foliage with a reddish-purple discoloration of leaf veins and stalks.

Pruning: Papayas do not need to be pruned, but some growers pinch the seedlings or cut back established plants to encourage multiple trunks.

Frost Protection: Papayas need warmth and a frost-free environment, but can often withstand light freezes with some kind of overhead protection. This can be provided by building a frame around the plants and covering it with bedding, plastic sheeting, etc. when frost threatens. Electric light bulbs can also be used for added warmth. Potted specimens can be moved to a frost-secure area. Prolonged cold, even if it does not freeze, may adversely affect the plants and the fruit. Mexican papayas are more hardy than Hawaiian varieties.

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Papaya, Sun Gold


 Large fruit (5 lbs.) with extremely sweet yellow flesh. 

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Passionfruit, Costa Rican Gold
Passionfruit, Costa Rican Gold

Passionfruit, Costa Rican Gold


Grown from seed our staff collected in Costa Rica, Costa Rican Gold passionfruit is a twist on the traditional Purple skin passionfruit, with a similar flavor profile. Vigorous vines with deeply green leaves, and thick stems produce loads of rich, acidic, sweet passionfruit.

A unique offering from our nursery and a very popular plant for us.

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Passionfruit, Purple
Passionfruit, Purple

Passionfruit, Purple


Passionfruit is a quick growing evergreen vine that will cover and trellis or fence you put it on. It produces fruit that has a purple skin and delicious pulp when ripe. Allow the fruit to naturally fall off the vine and eat when the skin is slightly wrinkled for its peak flavor. The flowers are also a beautiful and fragrant addition to the garden. 

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Sugarcane, Florida Red
Sugarcane, Florida Red
Sugarcane, Florida Red
Sugarcane, Florida Red

Sugarcane, Florida Red


The plant that makes sugar! Sugarcane is a very easy to grow perennial grass native to Southeast Asia and parts of the South Pacific, which grows easily in SoCal. Sugarcane is rich in flavonoids, making sugar cane juice a potentially good source of antioxidants. It is tasty juiced or chewed, just remove the outer layer and chew for a sweet organic treat. Purple sugarcane has more floral and grassy notes, and is soft and easy to chew.

It can grow in warm temperate or tropical climates. Sugarcane is rich in flavonoids, making sugar cane juice a potentially good source of antioxidants. It is tasty juiced or chewed, just remove the outer layer and chew for a sweet organic treat, Slice vertically for sweet swizzle sticks for teas and cocktails, Frozen skewers can be inserted into meats for flavor enhancement.

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Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green
Sugarcane, Louisiana Green

Sugarcane, Louisiana Green


The plant that makes sugar! Sugarcane is a very easy to grow perennial grass native to Southeast Asia and parts of the South Pacific, which grows easily in SoCal. Sugarcane is rich in flavonoids, making sugar cane juice a potentially good source of antioxidants. It is tasty juiced or chewed, just remove the outer layer and chew for a sweet organic treat. Green sugarcane is sweeter, but harder to chew. Better for juicing.

It can grow in warm temperate or tropical climates. Sugarcane is rich in flavonoids, making sugar cane juice a potentially good source of antioxidants. It is tasty juiced or chewed, just remove the outer layer and chew for a sweet organic treat, Slice vertically for sweet swizzle sticks for teas and cocktails, Frozen skewers can be inserted into meats for flavor enhancement.

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More Subtropical Fruits

Loquat, Seedling
Loquat, Seedling
Loquat, Seedling
Loquat, Seedling
Loquat, Seedling

Loquat, Seedling


The loquat is a large shrub or tree that is grown for its orange fruit and for its leaves for tea. The fruit begins to ripen during spring to summer depending on the temperature in the area. Loquat fruits, growing in clusters, are oval, rounded or pear-shaped with a smooth or downy, yellow or orange, sometimes red-blushed skin. The succulent, tangy flesh is white, yellow or orange and sweet to subacid or acid. The fruits are the sweetest when soft and orange. The flavour is a mixture of peach, citrus and mild mango.

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Cherimoya (seedling of El Bumpo)
Cherimoya (seedling of El Bumpo)
Cherimoya (seedling of El Bumpo)
Cherimoya (seedling of El Bumpo)

Cherimoya (seedling of El Bumpo)


Seedling Cherimoya from El Bumpo.

Chilled pineapple banana custard sounds delicious, right? That is the flavor and the texture profile that many people are reminded of when they first taste the fruit of the tropical evergreen tree commonly known and the Cherimoya (Annona cherimola). Native to South America, but quickly naturalized throughout the world to other tropic and sub-tropic regions, it has become quite legendary.

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Barbados Cherry / Acerola
Barbados Cherry / Acerola
Barbados Cherry / Acerola
Barbados Cherry / Acerola

Barbados Cherry / Acerola


The Barbados Cherry tree is a compact, evergreen tropical tree that yields a tasty and nutritious fruit called the Barbados cherry, or Acerola. This round, cherry-like fruit turns a vibrant red-orange when it is fully ripe. It boasts a pleasantly tangy taste and is packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. Aside from its fruit, the Barbados Cherry is prized for its striking appearance, featuring a thick, glossy canopy of dark green leaves and delicate pink blossoms that bloom year-round. It is an excellent asset to any tropical or subtropical garden, and can also thrive in containers.

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Grow the sweetest pineapple right in your own home! Our pineapple starter plant will get you up and running in no time, and before you know it, you'll be harvesting delicious, juicy pineapples to share with your friends!

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Subtropical Herbs

Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)
Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)
Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)
Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)

Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)


Gotu Kola is a medicinal herb that has been long used in traditional Chinese, Indonesian, and Ayurvedic medicines. With uses for boosting brainpower, promoting overall organ health, and healing various skin issues, Gotu Kola can also be added to salads and other meals as a mild, pleasantly tasting green. 

This plant is a ground crawler, and can even be used as a ground cover.  Gotu Kola prefers a partly shady, moist soil.  A very prolific plant when treated well.

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Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)
Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)
Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)
Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)
Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)
Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)
Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)
Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)

Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)

Rejuvenative for the Mind and Nervous System

Supports proper function of the nervous system
Promotes memory and concentration
Calms and clears the mind

Brahmi/Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is an excellent rejuvenative for the mind and nervous system. It is one of two herbs commonly known as the legendary "Brahmi" of the ancient Ayurvedic texts (the other being Brahmi/Gotu Kola). In Vedic philosophy, Brahman is the name for the universal consciousness. Brahmi is a derivation of Brahman that literally means "energy of universal consciousness." A worthy name for an amazing herb that has been used for centuries to promote memory, intelligence, and concentration. Bacopa supports the proper function of the brain and nerves, bringing balance to the nervous system while promoting clarity and awareness. It is also commonly used externally in a base of sesame oil as a special massage oil that calms and soothes the mind and nerves.
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Cuban Oregano / Karpuravalli
Cuban Oregano / Karpuravalli
Cuban Oregano / Karpuravalli
Cuban Oregano / Karpuravalli

Cuban Oregano / Karpuravalli


An interesting and unique culinary herb called Cuban Oregano in America, but actually native to South India and the tropics. Cuban oregano is a succulent, crawling herb that does very well in shady and semi-shady environments.

The plant has the aroma and taste of traditional Italian oregano, but in a thick and juicy leaf. Cultivated in many subtropical and tropical environments where Italian oregano doesn't grow well, and well adapted to Southern California.

Also used therapeutically in Ayurveda to treat cut, sores, and wounds. Traditionally, juice from leaves was applied topically to soothe and disinfect. A related plant we carry, Vick's plant, is used similarly.

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Turmeric, Orange
Turmeric, Orange
Turmeric, Orange
Turmeric, Orange
Turmeric, Orange
Turmeric, Orange

Turmeric, Orange

Turmeric (Curcuma Longa)

This incredible herb, is a tropical rhizomatous herbaceous perennial.  Turmeric is a member of the Ginger family.

Turmeric has been a vital part of Ayurveda medicine for centuries, regarded as an excellent tonic and blood purifier. Commonly referred to as 'The Golden Healer' Curcumin is the compound in Turmeric responsible for its incredible medicinal effects: potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti- microbial, protective effect on the liver, as well as its positive effect on hardening of the arteries. Many of its traditional medicinal uses are supported by scientific research, and Turmeric is gaining in popularity in the West as an important medicinal herb.

Turmeric is a great culinary herb as well. Most noted for its thick, branched rhizome, it makes a pungent spice, adding that rich golden color to curries. AKA as 'Indian Saffron' or 'Poor Man's Saffron', this wonderful herb is crucial to East Indian, Thai and Persian cooking. The dried powder is derived from the rhizome and again, vital in curries. Use it fresh as you would use ginger: stir fried or pickled! The plant leaves are sometimes used for wrapping and cooking food, and the lovely flowers can be eaten.

The plant has an attractive growth habit, forming a foliage clump that reminds us of Canna. It can be grown indoors but note that plants grown in containers may require frequent repotting to avoid the rhizomes getting too big. Remember, it is the rhizome or root that is harvested and not the leaves. 

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade

Size:  3 - 5 ft 

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 Lemon grass is a clumping plant with long narrow leaves and reddish stalks. The stalks are often used in cooking and the leaves are used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The leaves have a citrus scent and can also be used to deter insects.

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Gotu Kola, Sri Lankan Salad
Gotu Kola, Sri Lankan Salad

Gotu Kola, Sri Lankan Salad


This Gotu Kola is a common salad green used widely in Sri Lankan cuisine. Though related to Ayurvedic Gotu Kola / Brahmi, it has not been studied for medicinal uses and we are not aware of any claims of medicinal use for this species.

Sri Lankan Salad Gotu Kola is a very prolific, ground cover plant with large, crisp, edible leaves. Grown in a partly shady, moist soil, this Gotu Kola will spread rapidly and tolerates foot traffic as well.

We highly enjoy this greens in salads. They are easy to pick and easy to eat. Lots of recipes are also available from Sri Lankan cooks on YouTube.

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Cardamom, Green
Cardamom, Green
Cardamom, Green
Cardamom, Green
Cardamom, Green
Cardamom, Green
Cardamom, Green
Cardamom, Green

Cardamom, Green


Green cardamom an enchanting spice that emanates an irresistible aroma and offers a burst of exotic flavors. Originating from the lush forests of India, this perennial herb features vibrant green leaves and clusters of small, aromatic pods. Within these pods lie the prized seeds that possess a warm, citrusy taste with hints of floral and mint undertones. Renowned for its culinary versatility, green cardamom adds depth and complexity to both sweet and savory dishes, from fragrant curries and biryanis to delectable baked goods and refreshing beverages. Its captivating aroma and distinctive flavor profile make green cardamom a beloved ingredient in global cuisines, while its ornamental beauty adds an elegant touch to gardens and spice collections alike.

Cardamom is a tropical plant related to ginger and turmeric. Rather than harvesting the roots, however, cardamom is harvested for its fragrant seed pods. Growing cardamom is relatively easy. It thrives in warm, moist conditions, and prefers slightly acidic soil.  Choose a spot that receives partial shade or filtered sunlight and ensure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter, with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. Mulch around the plant to retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Prune any dead or damaged leaves and stalks to encourage healthy growth.

Harvesting the cardamom pods is a rewarding experience. When the pods turn green and begin to split, they are ready for harvest. Simply pluck them from the plant and relish the incredible flavors they offer.

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African Bitter Leaf
African Bitter Leaf
African Bitter Leaf
African Bitter Leaf
African Bitter Leaf
African Bitter Leaf

African Bitter Leaf


African Bitter Leaf is a powerful and nutrient-rich plant that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. This plant has long been a staple in traditional numerous African medicinal systems.

African Bitter Leaf grows quickly can grow up to 20 feet tall in the right conditions. It forms a clump of woody stems and has large leaves that can grow up to 6 inches long.

It prefers a warm and humid climate, but can tolerate cooler temperatures as well. In areas with harsh winters, African Bitter Leaf can be grown as an annual or overwintered indoors.

African Bitter Leaf is a leafy green plant that contains a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and calcium. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help to boost your immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.

This plant has a distinct bitter taste and is often used in African cuisine as a flavoring agent. However, its medicinal properties are what really make it stand out. African Bitter Leaf has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including malaria, diabetes, fever, and even cancer.

In addition to its many health benefits, African Bitter Leaf is also easy to grow and care for. It prefers well-drained soil and partial shade, and regular watering and fertilization will ensure that it thrives in your garden.

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Turmeric, White / Mango
Turmeric, White / Mango

Turmeric, White / Mango

White Turmeric or Mango Turmeric is a cousin of the orange turmeric you know and love, but with a unique green mango flavor. White turmeric is used both medicinally and as a culinary herb throughout South Asia.

Turmeric has been a vital part of Ayurveda medicine for centuries, regarded as an excellent tonic and blood purifier. Commonly referred to as 'The Golden Healer' Curcumin is the compound in Turmeric responsible for its incredible medicinal effects: potent antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti- microbial, protective effect on the liver, as well as its positive effect on hardening of the arteries. Many of its traditional medicinal uses are supported by scientific research, and Turmeric is gaining in popularity in the West as an important medicinal herb.

Turmeric is a great culinary herb as well. Most noted for its thick, branched rhizome, it makes a pungent spice, adding that rich golden color to curries. AKA as 'Indian Saffron' or 'Poor Man's Saffron', this wonderful herb is crucial to East Indian, Thai and Persian cooking. The dried powder is derived from the rhizome and again, vital in curries. Use it fresh as you would use ginger: stir fried or pickled! The plant leaves are sometimes used for wrapping and cooking food, and the lovely flowers can be eaten.

The plant has an attractive growth habit, forming a foliage clump that reminds us of Canna. It can be grown indoors but note that plants grown in containers may require frequent repotting to avoid the rhizomes getting too big. Remember, it is the rhizome or root that is harvested and not the leaves.

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Giloy / Guduchi
Giloy / Guduchi
Giloy / Guduchi
Giloy / Guduchi

Giloy / Guduchi


Giloy is a climbing shrub that is an essential ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. Also referred to as the "Root of Immortality", Giloy has anti-inflammatory properties that also boost immunity. 

Before taking this plant as part of a medical regimen, please consult a medical or herbal professional as the properties of Giloy may counteract or interact with medications or certain health conditions.

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A part of the ginger family, galangal is a spice native to Southern Asia. Galangal can be eaten fresh or cooked and is a popular addition to many Chinese, Indonesian, Malaysian, and Thai dishes and has been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

Its skin is smoother and paler than ginger root’s, the interior ranges from white to yellow to pink, and its flavor is stronger and more astringent.


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Subtropical Vegetables

Moringa Tree
Moringa Tree
Moringa Tree
Moringa Tree
Moringa Tree
Moringa Tree

Moringa Tree

Moringa is considered a super food. The leaves, flowers, long edible beans and seeds are all edible, making it a must have plant. 

Easily grown in pots or ground, can be use to create dappled light. Create under-stories, pair with semi shade loving plants.  

A very fast growing, heat loving food tree from South India. Moringa is well reknowned for its nutrient dense leaves which are sold as a nutrient supplement for over $60 per lb. Very easy to grow at home, Moringa can grow up to 20 feet per year. One of the worlds few plant-based complete proteins. Edible leaves available all season and edible seed pods available around August / September.

*Easy to grow

*Drought tolerant, after being established 

*Roots are sensitive to too much water combined with frost. 


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Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)
Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)
Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)
Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)

Gotu Kola, Ayurvedic (Brahmi)


Gotu Kola is a medicinal herb that has been long used in traditional Chinese, Indonesian, and Ayurvedic medicines. With uses for boosting brainpower, promoting overall organ health, and healing various skin issues, Gotu Kola can also be added to salads and other meals as a mild, pleasantly tasting green. 

This plant is a ground crawler, and can even be used as a ground cover.  Gotu Kola prefers a partly shady, moist soil.  A very prolific plant when treated well.

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Longevity Spinach
Longevity Spinach
Longevity Spinach
Longevity Spinach
Longevity Spinach
Longevity Spinach

Longevity Spinach


Also called Leaves of the Gods, the Longevity Spinach is the green cousin of the Okinawa spinach. The name "Longevity" could refer to its purported health benefits in lowering blood sugar, inflammation, and cholesterol. Longevity Spinach is a  low-growing, semi-succulent leafy vegetable that's very popular in Southeast Asia, its home turf. It's a tender tropical, that is easily cultivated and should be part of your summer vegetable greens gardens. It grows quickly, appreciates rich soil, warmth, and frequent moisture, and is resilient during times of stress. The mild, tender leaves are delicious in salads and stews, and possess documented health benefits. This rambling plant is suitable for larger containers, and can be pruned for indoor overwintering if one wants edible foliage year round. 


Also called Leaves of the Gods, the Longevity Spinach is the green cousin of the Okinawa spinach. The name "Longevity" could refer to its purported health benefits in lowering blood sugar, inflammation, and cholesterol. L

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Gotu Kola, Sri Lankan Salad
Gotu Kola, Sri Lankan Salad

Gotu Kola, Sri Lankan Salad


This Gotu Kola is a common salad green used widely in Sri Lankan cuisine. Though related to Ayurvedic Gotu Kola / Brahmi, it has not been studied for medicinal uses and we are not aware of any claims of medicinal use for this species.

Sri Lankan Salad Gotu Kola is a very prolific, ground cover plant with large, crisp, edible leaves. Grown in a partly shady, moist soil, this Gotu Kola will spread rapidly and tolerates foot traffic as well.

We highly enjoy this greens in salads. They are easy to pick and easy to eat. Lots of recipes are also available from Sri Lankan cooks on YouTube.

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Ube, True - Dioscorea alata
Ube, True - Dioscorea alata
Ube, True - Dioscorea alata
Ube, True - Dioscorea alata

Ube, True - Dioscorea alata


Ube is the popular purple yam known for its unique nutty, vanilla taste and vibrant color. Because importation of fresh Ube is banned in California, all Ube products eaten here are actually made with purple sweet potato (Ipoeama batata) and synthetic Ube flavoring.

The only way to get real Ube here is by growing it yourself!

Ube is a true yam (not to be confused with orange sweet potato which is called yam in the US), a tuberous, vining plant from the tropics. This plant needs a long warm season, consistent water, and plenty of fertility to grow well.

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Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach
Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach
Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach
Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach
Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach
Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach
Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach
Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach

Maple Leaf Chaya / Tree Spinach


Cnidoscolus aconitifolius also known as Chaya, aka 'Mayan Tree Spinach' or 'Mexican Tree Spinach', is a large fast-growing and productive perennial shrub.  

In Mexico, Chaya is eaten as a leafy green vegetable, and is very common. Chaya is cooked just like spinach and is excellent in stir-fries! It's a great source of protein, vitamins, calcium, and iron and also a rich source of antioxidants. Chaya actually has more nutritional benefit than Spinach. Chaya is quite literally, a super green! 

The plant is native to Central America, and is believed to have originated on the Yucatan peninsula. The stems of the plant are woody and succulent-like, and expel a milky white sap when cut. The plant can quickly grow to a height of 15 ft if growth conditions allow, but can very easily be maintained as low as 2 ft. 

Chaya leaves should not be eaten raw, as the plant contains a toxin similar to cyanide (the stuff in Apple seeds) that is toxic when consumed. Luckily, the poison is easily neutralized by boiling the leaves for 5-15 minutes then straining the water before cooking with. This process is called blanching and is required prior to consumption. 

Tree Spinach is super easy to grow, drought tolerant and pest resistant it can survive on rain water and little fertility for years.  An extremely low-care and forgiving food plant, much like our Thornless Nopal. This large edible shrub has lobed leaves that resemble a hibiscus tree. Small unobtrusive white flowers grow in late summer and develop into ripening walnut sized seed pods in the fall. *Can be fed to chickens raw. 

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Malabar Spinach, Red
Malabar Spinach, Red
Malabar Spinach, Red
Malabar Spinach, Red

Malabar Spinach, Red


Discover the unique flavors of Malabar Spinach! This popular green leafy vegetable, also known as Basella alba, is a tender perennial that thrives during hot summers. Native to tropical Asia, it can be grown as an annual and adds a touch of elegance as an ornamental vine. Try it in your next dish!

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Asian Winged Bean
Asian Winged Bean
Asian Winged Bean
Asian Winged Bean

Asian Winged Bean


Discover the delicious and versatile Asian Winged Bean! Its unique winged pods and edible leaves and roots make it a must-have in any kitchen. This high-protein bean thrives in warm areas and is perfect for tropical climates. Don't miss out on this excellent crop with a nutty flavor.

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A part of the ginger family, galangal is a spice native to Southern Asia. Galangal can be eaten fresh or cooked and is a popular addition to many Chinese, Indonesian, Malaysian, and Thai dishes and has been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

Its skin is smoother and paler than ginger root’s, the interior ranges from white to yellow to pink, and its flavor is stronger and more astringent.


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Pigeon Pea
Pigeon Pea

Pigeon Pea


Pigeon Pea is a versatile and hardy plant that is perfect for adding to your garden or landscape design. This fast-growing woody shrub can reach up to 4 meters in height, making it a great addition to any garden.

Pigeon Pea is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal care and attention once established. It prefers full sun exposure and well-draining soil, and can even tolerate periods of drought once it is established. Additionally, it has a natural resistance to many pests and diseases, making it an excellent choice for organic gardeners.

In addition to its practical uses, Pigeon Pea is also highly nutritious, producing edible, green pods filled with protein-rich seeds. It is a staple food in many parts of the world and is a great addition to any diet.

Furthermore, Pigeon Pea has soil conservation benefits, as its deep taproot system helps to improve soil quality and prevent erosion.

At our nursery, we have a variety of Pigeon Pea plants available, ranging in size from seedlings to mature plants. Whether you're looking to start a new garden or add some variety to your landscape, Pigeon Pea is an excellent choice. Come visit us today and see for yourself why this plant is a must-have for any green thumb!

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Hyacinth Bean, Green
Hyacinth Bean, Green

Hyacinth Bean, Green


Hyacinth Bean is a delicious edible, perennial bean from South Asia and Southeast Asia.  The bean is a prolific and strong grower, with relative few disease and insect issues.  The plant is also quite decorative, with bright foliage and a profusion of flowers.  Hyacinth bean is perennial in warm climate and can be grown as an annual elsewhere.

Pick pods when they are young, before the seeds inside have had a chance to fatten. PODS SHOULD BE COOKED, raw beans can cause digestive stress for some if uncooked.



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Taro, Indian
Taro, Indian
Taro, Indian
Taro, Indian

Taro, Indian

Indian taro produces small, edible tubers that are like potatoes. The plant will grow 3 to 4 feet and has elephant ear leaves.
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Subtropical Planting Instructions

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Your dream subtropical fruits await you! Follow these planting instructions carefully so you have success with your trees and plants! Subtropicals grow easily if you give them the right conditions.

#1 Plant in the right season

Subtropical plants are at most high risk for critical damage in the winter when temperatures reach nearly freezing. Plant subtropicals as early as you can during your regions warm season to give them the longest possible warm weather window to get established. For California residents, this window starts around March.  The latest you will likely want to plant is July.

#2 Choose a warm location

Subtropical plants are at most high risk for critical damage in the winter when temperatures reach nearly freezing.  Keep subtropicals healthy and surviving through the winter by choosing a warm location in your garden where the ground DOES NOT FREEZE.

Urban and suburban environments have lots fo "heat sinks" that will help your subtropicals through the winter. Concrete and asphalt store up heat during the day and release it at night, use this to your advantage.  Plant next to a building, next to a concrete or brick wall, next to a concrete patio, next to a driveway or any other large mass of stone-like material.

#3 Planting

Dig a hole slightly larger than the plant's root ball. Gently remove the plant from its container, loosen the roots, and place it in the hole. Position the plant at the same depth it was in the container and backfill with soil. Water thoroughly after planting. DO NOT ADD COMPOST TO THE PLANTING HOLE.

#4 Amend the Soil

Most subtropicals will prefer highly fertile soil, and soil in most home gardens has been damaged from construction and years of dehydration and sun exposure. Improve soil quality by amending it with organic matter such as compost. Add a 3 inch thick layer of compost in a 5 foot diameter around the trunk of trees, or a 2 foot diameter around the base of smaller plants.

#5 Mulch

Apply a 3 inch thick layer of wood chip mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Keep the mulch away from the plant's stem to prevent rot.

#6 Watering

Water newly planted subtropical plants deeply to establish their roots. Water regularly to maintain soil moisture.