Deciduous Trees & Plants at Sarvodaya Farms

Whats a Deciduous Tree?

Deciduous plants are plants that drop their leave and go dormant in winter.
These plants require some cold in the winter to thrive and produce fruit.

To the untrained eye, a deciduous plant can appear "dead" during winter, but they are just SLEEPING! While deciduous plants sleep is the best time to plant and prune them.

What should I know before ordering?

#1 Deciduous plants are best planted while dormant in Winter. Planting in Spring is also okay, but do not plant in the high temperatures of mid-summer.

#2 Plant deciduous plants in winter-shady locations in your garden.   As the sun drops lower during winter, buildings or trees cast their shadows northward. These winter-shady locations are perfect for deciduous plants, as they don't need sunlight during the winter.

Our Deciduous Selection


Strawberry, Mara Des Bois
Strawberry, Mara Des Bois
Strawberry, Mara Des Bois
Strawberry, Mara Des Bois

Strawberry, Mara Des Bois

Our favorite strawberry at Sarvodaya Farms. Mara Des Bois is the most flavorful, softest, melt-in-your-mouth strawberry you will ever try.  Strawberries are on the smaller side, but pack a bomb of passionfruit-strawberry flavor that will make you forget all strawberries before it. Amazing fragrance that can be smelled from feet away.  Perfect for container growing as well.

Mara Des Bois fruits all summer when temperatures are below 95 degrees.  Fruiting will stop at temperatures above 95, and resume when temperatures drop below 95.  In Southern California, expect two fruitings: one from spring to mid-summer, and then a smaller fruiting as we approach fall.  Support your plants with a mid-summer feeding of compost.

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Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom
Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom

Blackberry, Prime Ark Freedom

Prime-Ark® Freedom blackberry is the perfect berry!

This blackberry variety is disease resistant and drought tolerant and will begin to ripen in July until first frost. Its is thornless variety with large to x-large fruits that are very sweet, and firm in texture.

The Prime-Ark® Freedom blackberry does best in full sun and loamy, well-drained soil. It is self-pollinating and was originally part of the University of Arkansas’s primocane breeding program and is the first primocane-fruiting thornless blackberry ever. This means more fruit faster as it fruits on new growth unlike most other blackberries. This extends the fruit harvest time too as new canes will produce early season berries, while the older canes will produce later season berries.

Special Features:
• Large, sweet fruit
• Thornless
• Self-fertile
• Disease resistant

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Strawberry, Seascape
Strawberry, Seascape

Strawberry, Seascape

Our favorite traditional flavored strawberry at Sarvodaya Farms. Seascape is the wonderfully tender, juicy, and reminiscent of strawberries from your childhood.  Strawberries are medium size, and extremely flavorful. Perfect for container growing as well.

Seascape fruits all summer when temperatures are below 95 degrees.  Fruiting will stop at temperatures above 95, and resume when temperatures drop below 95.  In Southern California, expect two fruitings: one from spring to mid-summer, and then a smaller fruiting as we approach fall.  Support your plants with a mid-summer feeding of compost.

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Blueberry, Misty
Blueberry, Misty

Blueberry, Misty

Misty Blueberries are low-chill bushes (300 chill hrs) that produce medium to large berries that have a spicy sweet quality. This is a reliably-fruiting plant that has a full bushy growth with beautiful, ornamental flowers that contrast beautifully with its bluish-green leaves. 

"Chill requirement" refers to the accumulated annual hours of temperatures a plant experiences between freezing and 45 F that is required to break dormancy.

With all blueberries, Misty requires acidic soil. 

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Blueberry, Biloxi
Blueberry, Biloxi

Blueberry, Biloxi

Biloxi Blueberries are a low-chill to no-chill berry that produces medium-sized, firm, and juicy berries. The fruit is fairly sweet which makes it ideal for eating fresh, baking, freezing, and juicing. As with all blueberries, this plant requires acidic soil, so make sure to mix in peat moss or sawdust to increase the acidity. 

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Blueberry, O'Neal
Blueberry, O'Neal

Blueberry, O'Neal

The O'Neal Blueberry is an early-yield, low-chill (500-600 hrs) bush that produces one of the best-tasting southern high-bush blueberries. It is self-pollinating but will give larger crops if pollinated with another southern highbush like Misty or Biloxi. The berries are fairly large but will fill out and sweeten even more if left to ripen on the bush. 

As with all blueberries, the O'Neal requires acidic soil.


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Golden Currant, 'Ribes aureum'
Golden Currant, 'Ribes aureum'
Golden Currant, 'Ribes aureum'
Golden Currant, 'Ribes aureum'

Golden Currant, 'Ribes aureum'

Golden Currant is a winter-hardy, drought-tolerant, multi-stemmed shrub with clusters of fragrant, edible yellow flowers in Spring, followed by juicy sweet-tart berries in Summer.

Flowers have a spicy-sweet fragrance like clove and vanilla and make a decorative addition to Spring salads. The berries are an excellent native food source by themselves and are also useful in recipes for their wonderful flavor sweetened into jams, jellies, pies, or even currant ice cream. Indigenous Californians value this plant as food.

Golden Currant has been widely cultivated for its ornamental landscape value. It’s trumpet-shaped golden-yellow flowers, unique spicy-sweet fragrance, and petite stature make it a wonderful backyard companion. Even the elliptical berries, dangling in rows from outstretched, arching limbs, are ornamental - ranging from yellow to orange to red to black at maturity.

What’s more, after the berries mature, the maple-like Autumn leaves put out a great show of color, turning slowly yellow to red before they drop. Pruning can keep this shrub to any size you please. A great border shrub, or as a centerpiece. Very low maintenance.
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Fig, Blackjack
Fig, Blackjack
Fig, Blackjack
Fig, Blackjack
Fig, Blackjack
Fig, Blackjack

Fig, Blackjack

A self-pollinating, drought-tolerant (once established) deciduous tree that produces exceptionally large, deep purple sweet figs. Rich green foliage casts dense shade and stands out against smooth, gray bark. Intensely sweet fruit ripens for harvest from June until September and must be harvested regularly to protect from birds. This variety can be kept small with regular pruning and does well as a container plant. 

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Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child
Fig, Wild Child

Fig, Wild Child

"Wild Child" planted itself at The Growing Home around 2009. It’s a SARVODAYA EXCLUSIVE!!

This strong, vigorous tree produces two crops (small early, larger late season) of medium to large fruit that ripen to a light green / yellow with a red center.  Fruit is very sweet, juicy, and delicious.  Fruit forms in cluster of about 5-6 at ends of branches, and along nodes along branches.  A great fruit for Southern California and exclusively available here at Sarvodaya Nursery. Very abundant and easy to care for tree. 

  • Good for patio gardens
  • Can be grown in Pots
  • Sold in Fabric Pot
  • Potted in SarvodayaFarms special potting mix
  • Grown using organic practices
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Fig, Brown Turkey
Fig, Brown Turkey
Fig, Brown Turkey
Fig, Brown Turkey
Fig, Brown Turkey
Fig, Brown Turkey
Fig, Brown Turkey
Fig, Brown Turkey

Fig, Brown Turkey

Brown Turkey fig trees produce a delicious and sweet fruit that has streaks of dark red to purple on its skin. Although it is not a heavy producer or a fast grower, this plant is well worth adding to your garden just for the momentary bliss of tasting these fruits.  

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Fig, Verte/ Strawberry
Fig, Verte/ Strawberry
Fig, Verte/ Strawberry
Fig, Verte/ Strawberry

Fig, Verte/ Strawberry

As the name suggests, Strawberry Fig has strawberry-colored flesh that is quite striking against the green skin and is very flavorful. It is drought tolerant once established and it does require a fair amount of heat to achieve its best flavor but is a great choice for those in shorter seasons. They are prolific producers and can be grown in the ground or in a pot. Fruit occurs from late summer to late fall. 


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Fig, Yellow Longneck
Fig, Yellow Longneck

Fig, Yellow Longneck

A vigorous grower and prolific fruiter, the yellow fig tree produces fruit that has thin, tender, and bright yellow skin and a honey-sweet flavor. It is best eaten fresh at its peak ripeness but is also delicious made into jam or dried into an anytime snack. 


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Fig, Panache
Fig, Panache

Fig, Panache

The Panache fig or Panache Tiger fig is a unique-looking fruit with a green and yellow striped exterior. The pink flesh is very sweet but won't develop until late in the season after a long, warm growing season. 

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Fig, Violette De Bordeaux / Negronne
Fig, Violette De Bordeaux / Negronne

Fig, Violette De Bordeaux / Negronne

Commonly called by its French name "Violette De Bordeaux," this fig variety may also be known as Negronne. Its productive tree/bush can yield two crops of deep purple/black figs with a rich, raspberry-colored flesh. With a concentrated texture and a sweet flavor, it is highly regarded for its quality.

Ideal for shorter and cooler growing seasons, this variety provides a Mission-style fig experience. In warmer regions, it can produce two crops. Notably, one crop grows on last year's wood, while another grows on new growth. Its compact size makes it well-suited for growing in containers. Resistant to diseases and pests, it shares many similarities with the Petite Negri variety, but ripens slightly later.

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Fig, Celeste
Fig, Celeste

Fig, Celeste

This cold hardy and heat tolerant tree produces delicious, sweet fruit with rose colored to violet skin. Its closed eye keeps pests out, ensuring more ripe and unspoiled fruit throughout the growing season. A favorite in California and the southeastern US.

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Fig, Robert’s Golden Rainbow
Fig, Robert’s Golden Rainbow
Fig, Robert’s Golden Rainbow
Fig, Robert’s Golden Rainbow

Fig, Robert’s Golden Rainbow

Highly prized and sought after vareity. This fig originated from a tree grown by a member of the California Rare Fruit Growers Association living  in Rainbow, California. Its flavor is a complex blend of strawberry and kiwi. This prolific growing fig produces large sized fruit which start ripening in September. The fruit starts out bright green, turns a golden yellow and finally ripening at a light purple color. Its pulp is a rich honey amber color. Originally referred to as Ben’s Golden Riverside, the name was changed to Golden Rainbow to avoid confusing it with another variety called Golden Riverside from UCD. This is a common fig needing no wasp.

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Fig, Stroz

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Fig, Desert King
Fig, Desert King

Fig, Desert King

The Desert King fig thrives in cooler weather but will give a second flush of crops in warmer regions. This tree is a heavy producer of large fruit that has light green skin with strawberry flesh. It is very sweet and has a melt-in-your-mouth quality.
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Fig, LSU Gold
Fig, LSU Gold

Fig, LSU Gold

Description: This variety, an introduction from Louisiana State University, is a light green to golden yellow fruit with a blush of reddish-pink colored pulp. This fruit is slightly flat, but that does not compromise its excellent, sweet flavor. Whether eaten fresh or dried, this fruit makes a delicious snack!

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Fig, Black Mission
Fig, Black Mission
Fig, Black Mission
Fig, Black Mission

Fig, Black Mission

Latin Name: Ficus Carica "Black Mission"
Common Names: Black Mission
Lifespan: Deciduous
Growth Structure: Small tree up to 12 feet tall
Light Requirement: Full sun
Water Requirement: **

Description: Packed with nutrients, this jammy-sweet fruit tree is an easy-care option that has a lot to give. Black Mission fig trees fruit twice a year, and they tend start producing fruit at a younger age than other fig varieties. Whether is it included in a cooked meal, baked into a dessert, dried as a snack, or eaten fresh off the tree, this fig is sure to be sweet and delicious. 

Figs can be grown in the ground or in a pot, but if you live in an area that experiences frost, make sure to bring it indoors, or protect it with some burlap. Figs prefer a long season of warm weather, and once established, they require less frequent watering. 


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Grape, Niabell Concord
Grape, Niabell Concord
Grape, Niabell Concord
Grape, Niabell Concord
Grape, Niabell Concord
Grape, Niabell Concord
Grape, Niabell Concord
Grape, Niabell Concord

Grape, Niabell Concord

Niabell Concord Grapes are table grapes that are sweet and have blue-black skin. Like other concords, they have a "slip skin" that separates easily from the flesh. The flavor of “grape candy” is actually the flavor of concord grapes. Remove the skin, and eat the gusher-like interior for a juicy grape candy experience. Very heat and disease resistant. Very easy to grow.

They grow best in mild climates that mimic California's central valley. The Niabell grape was developed by Harold P. Olmo in 1942 as a cross of the Early Campbell and Niagara varieties.


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Grape, Niagra
Grape, Niagra

Grape, Niagra

 Probably the most popular commercial variety of table grapes, the Niagara is often used for making white grape juice. The flavor is sweet and tangy and does not have the acidity that is common to some white grape varieties. The Niagara is a heavy producer and self-pollinating. 


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Grape, Concord Seedless
Grape, Concord Seedless

Grape, Concord Seedless

These seedless concord grapes are the quintessential table grape, and it is what is used to make grape juice. This variety will provide an abundance of fruit that will give plenty of opportunities to enjoy fresh, to make jams or jellies, or to even attempt your own house wine.  As with all concords, this seedless variety is slip skin in nature which means that the jelly-like flesh is easily removed from the skin. 

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Grape, Glenora
Grape, Glenora

Grape, Glenora

A unique, spicy, blueberry-like flavor and unusual foliage distinguish this blue seedless grape. Developed by NY Fruit Testing, it's a vigorous, healthy grower and reliable producer that displays intense fall color. The non-slipskin fruit ripens early in the season for a blue grape.
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Grape, Jupiter

An offering from the University of Arkansas, the Jupiter Grape is a reddish-blue seedless table grape with a sweet muscat flavor. It is highly rated by many for its taste. The grapes are resistant to cracking, are non-slipskin, and are early ripening. 


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Grape, Catawba
Grape, Catawba

Grape, Catawba

A vigorous, hardy, deciduous vine with bold-textured, deep green foliage. Grown for its medium-size clusters of round, dull purple-red grapes with strong sweet flavor. Catawba grapes are well-suited for jellies and juices, and for sweet white, red and rosé wines. Fruit ripens late in the season.

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Grape, Heavenly Blue
Grape, Heavenly Blue
Grape, Heavenly Blue
Grape, Heavenly Blue

Grape, Heavenly Blue

The Heavenly Blue Grape plant is a sought-after variety known for its stunning blue-purple grapes that resemble small marbles. Not only do these sweet, juicy grapes make for delicious fresh snacks, jams, jellies, and even wine, but they also add a touch of beauty to any garden with their lush foliage and attractive clusters of grapes.


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Grape, Interlaken
Grape, Interlaken

Grape, Interlaken

Interlaken is a hardy variety from New York that is one of the first grapes to ripen. It produces crunchy, golden-green grapes that are sweet and slightly tart. The vines are very productive but any grapes that are missed in the harvest are just as delicious dried as raisins. 


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Grape, Einset
Grape, Einset

Grape, Einset

The Einset grape is a variety that was introduced by the Cornell University breeding program. It has medium-sized berries with a bright red skin and flesh that is firm, flavorful, and crack resistant. The Einset has a strawberry-like flavor and is seedless which makes for an easy, delicious late summer snack!


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Grape, Kyoho

Indulge in the juicy, plump and soft Kyoho grape. Its thick, glossy skin comes in a deep violet purple to near jet-black, with a natural protective coating. Its slip-skin allows for easy separation and its aqueous flesh houses oval seeds. Perfect as a snack or for cooking, enjoy this unique varietal!

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Grape, Alden
Grape, Alden

Grape, Alden

The Alden variety is a hybrid with large bluish, red fruit that has a slight muscat flavor. The texture is often described as meaty, and while the skin can crack, this plant produces so much fruit, that plenty of your harvest will have skins intact. The plant is vigorous and can be used to create a snack-filled shade. This variety is susceptible to black rot and will require spraying or bagging. 

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Hardy Kiwi

Kiwi, Rossana Hardy
Kiwi, Rossana Hardy

Kiwi, Rossana Hardy

Rossana Hardy Kiwi is a superior, large-fruited variety from Italy. Its sweet, flavorful fruit can weigh up to 0.5 oz and produce abundant crops. Perfect for home gardens, this hardy kiwi variety is a great choice for fruit lovers.

Hardy kiwi vines grow quickly and produce clusters of smooth, oblong fruits resembling large grapes. Unlike the more well-known large kiwi, hardy kiwi can be savored whole - like bundles of seedless kiwi-flavored grapes. These fruits share the same delicious taste as fuzzy kiwis, but with a sweeter and more convenient eating experience. The robust, smooth-textured vines require strong support, and can be trained to climb up the legs or railings of a deck, or along a fence.

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Kiwi, Male Hardy
Kiwi, Male Hardy

Kiwi, Male Hardy

Male Hardy Kiwi is an attractive, easy-to-grow variety that produces fragrant, white flowers in May. Though these male plants bear no fruit, they can be used to pollinate up to 8 female kiwi plants, making them a vital part of any kiwi garden.

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Kiwi, Issai Hardy
Kiwi, Issai Hardy
Kiwi, Issai Hardy
Kiwi, Issai Hardy

Kiwi, Issai Hardy

Issai Hardy Kiwi is known for its delightful sweetness - containing 20% natural sugar. It boasts a remarkable eight times more vitamin C than oranges, making it a healthy choice. This heat-tolerant & self-pollinating vine can produce up to 100 pounds of fruit each year and easily thrives in most soils. Hardy kiwi require a strong support system, so plan ahead and build one before or soon after planting. Fruit ripens in late August.

Hardy kiwi vines grow quickly and produce clusters of smooth, oblong fruits resembling large grapes. Unlike the more well-known large kiwi, hardy kiwi can be savored whole - like bundles of seedless kiwi-flavored grapes. These fruits share the same delicious taste as fuzzy kiwis, but with a sweeter and more convenient eating experience. The robust, smooth-textured vines require strong support, and can be trained to climb up the legs or railings of a deck, or along a fence.

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Kiwi, Ken's Red Hardy
Kiwi, Ken's Red Hardy
Kiwi, Ken's Red Hardy
Kiwi, Ken's Red Hardy

Kiwi, Ken's Red Hardy

Ken's Red Hardy Kiwi produced cherry-sized fruits boasting stunning burgundy red skin and flesh, with a flavor that is both sweet and delicious, delivering the classic kiwi punch without the hassle of peeling. This self-sterile variety requires pollination from a male hardy kiwi.

Hardy kiwi vines grow quickly and produce clusters of smooth, oblong fruits resembling large grapes. Unlike the more well-known large kiwi, hardy kiwi can be savored whole - like bundles of seedless kiwi-flavored grapes. These fruits share the same delicious taste as fuzzy kiwis, but with a sweeter and more convenient eating experience. The robust, smooth-textured vines require strong support, and can be trained to climb up the legs or railings of a deck, or along a fence.

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Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La
Mulberry, Shangri La

Mulberry, Shangri La

The Shangri La Mulberry, Morus alba 'Shangri La', produces plump fruit that is both sweet and tart. The tree can grow up to 20 feet tall and has heavily lobed leaves. The Shangri La is very productive and is rather drought tolerant. 

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Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black
Mulberry, Pakistani Black

Mulberry, Pakistani Black

The Pakistan mulberry is the “king” of the fruiting mulberries, producing 3 1/2″ to 5″ long maroon to black berries. They are very sweet and flavorful with a raspberry like flavor. Juice does not stain. It has multi-month long fruiting season starting heavy in late spring/early summer and continuing to fruit until mid-summer.

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Mulberry, Pakistani White
Mulberry, Pakistani White

Mulberry, Pakistani White

The Pakistan mulberry is the “king” of the fruiting mulberries, producing 3 1/2″ to 5″ long berries. The White Pakistan is the sweetest of all mulberries, with candy like flavor and no tartness.  Juice does not stain. It has multi-month long fruiting season starting heavy in late spring/early summer and continuing to fruit until mid-summer.

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Mulberry, Tehama
Mulberry, Tehama
Mulberry, Tehama
Mulberry, Tehama

Mulberry, Tehama

Known as the Giant White Mulberry, this tree produces large white fruit that can grow to 2 inches long! Fruit is sugary sweet, and non-staining, and makes a great snack for eating right off the tree. It also has large leaves which casts a nice cool shady spot for the late summer afternoons. 

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Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)
Pawpaw (seedling)

Pawpaw (seedling)

Pawpaw is the long-forgotten cousin of the Cherimoya.  Native to the East coast, Pawpaw is an indigenous North American fruit a sweet banana-mango-passionfruit custard interior, and one of our favorite fruits. Pawpaw was long ignored by white colonizers who considered it unfit to eat. Indigenous communities are now reviving this fruit, and reintroducing it to America.

Unlike most other fruit trees, Pawpaw is an understory tree and prefers to grow for several years in the shade of other trees. Once established, Pawpaw prefers more sunlight to fruit. Our variety seedlings are from a self-fertile tree, and are expected to be self-fertile.  Most pawpaws are not self-fertile and require a 2nd tree for pollination.  Seedlings come from our own mother tree, named the Diamond Bar Banana.

We hope to offer grafted varieties soon.

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Persimmon, Coffeecake
Persimmon, Coffeecake

Persimmon, Coffeecake

Unique spicy-sweet flavor that instantly evokes images of cinnamon pastry, hot coffee and morning sunshine. Coffeecake ripens about three weeks to one month earlier than Fuyu. Coffeecake Persimmon is non-astringent and can be eaten while still firm. Hardy, attractive tree, practically free of pests and disease. Estimated chilling requirement: 200 hours or less.

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Persimmon, Hachiya
Persimmon, Hachiya
Persimmon, Hachiya
Persimmon, Hachiya

Persimmon, Hachiya

Hachiya persimmon is the fall pudding of fruits. This acorn-shaped variety is extremely sweet, soft and jelly-like when allowed to properly ripen. DO NOT EAT WHILE HARD. Fruit must be picked, and allowed to completely soften off of the tree. This variety only needs 200 chill hours to set fruit. Produces prolifically. Fruit is excellent for freezing and baking.

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Pomegranate, Ruby Heart
Pomegranate, Ruby Heart
Pomegranate, Ruby Heart
Pomegranate, Ruby Heart

Pomegranate, Ruby Heart

Ruby Heart is a Growing Home Special. It has a very even sweet and tart balance with intense flavor.

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Pomegranate, Red Silk
Pomegranate, Red Silk
Pomegranate, Red Silk
Pomegranate, Red Silk

Pomegranate, Red Silk

Red Silk is an ideal pomegranate variety, producing medium to large fruits with a stunning dark red exterior and red arils. It is a natural dwarf plant, only reaching a height of 6 feet, but do not underestimate its productivity. Red Silk is a prolific producer, bearing a bountiful harvest of sweet and firm fruits. It is suitable for USDA Zone 7b and perfect for warmer climates looking to maximize fruit production in limited space.

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Pomegranate, Parfianka
Pomegranate, Parfianka
Pomegranate, Parfianka
Pomegranate, Parfianka
Pomegranate, Parfianka
Pomegranate, Parfianka

Pomegranate, Parfianka

A Dr. Gregory Levin introduction through U.C. Davis. The red fruits are large with arils that are sweet with a hint of acidity. The arils (flesh) are red with very small edible seeds. This variety sets dependable crops and makes for great juice or fresh eating. Many rate Parfianka as the best tasting pomegranate.

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Pomegranate, Nana’s Menifee
Pomegranate, Nana’s Menifee
Pomegranate, Nana’s Menifee
Pomegranate, Nana’s Menifee

Pomegranate, Nana’s Menifee

A Sarvodaya exclusive! This pomegranate variety was collected by Farmer Rishi’s grandfather in Menifee, CA from an abandoned home. A very unique fruit, with yellow-pink skin and very large, clear arils. The seeds inside are also so soft, you hardly notice them. The fruit is completely sweet, no tartness at all. The tree is also dwarf, maxing out at about 12 ft. Great productivity.
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Pomegranate, Phoenicia
Pomegranate, Phoenicia
Pomegranate, Phoenicia
Pomegranate, Phoenicia

Pomegranate, Phoenicia

Very large fruit has red skin with some green on the background. Arils are a translucent red/white color. Sweet with just a hint of tartness and an excellent tantalizing flavor. Well suited for dry climates like ours, and performing well so far on our farm.It is said to do well in drier climates, as with most pomegranates, and particularly does not do well in areas with humid summers. 

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Pomegranate, Angel
Pomegranate, Angel
Pomegranate, Angel
Pomegranate, Angel

Pomegranate, Angel

The Angel Red Pomegranate is a new variety that matures in early September, bears heavy crops, has soft seeds that can be chewed and eaten, and has a vivid red color. This pomegranate tree also has the highest juice content per fruit.


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Pomegranate (seedling/ungrafted)
Pomegranate (seedling/ungrafted)
Pomegranate (seedling/ungrafted)
Pomegranate (seedling/ungrafted)

Pomegranate (seedling/ungrafted)

This seedling can be used to grow fruit that have tones of sweet and acidity, or it can be used as root stock for grafting. Either method will produce delicious fruit to enjoy out of hand.  

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Pomegranate, Purple Heart
Pomegranate, Purple Heart
Pomegranate, Purple Heart
Pomegranate, Purple Heart

Pomegranate, Purple Heart

The Purple Heart, otherwise known as Sharp Velvet, is a variety developed here in California by John Chater. It is a sweet fruit that has just a slight tang and is has a red rind and dark red arils with medium soft seeds. This variety is great for fresh eating and for juicing. 



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Pomegranate, Sogdiana
Pomegranate, Sogdiana
Pomegranate, Sogdiana
Pomegranate, Sogdiana

Pomegranate, Sogdiana

A pomegranate from Turkmenistan, the Sogdiana variety of pomegranate has a red rind with red arils. The seeds are soft and the fruit is sweet with a hint of tart. It does have a slightly astringent and bitter taste as well, but it is well balanced by the main flavor of sweetness.

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Pomegranate, Fleishman
Pomegranate, Fleishman
Pomegranate, Fleishman
Pomegranate, Fleishman

Pomegranate, Fleishman

The Fleishman Pomegranate is a vigorous and productive tree. The fruit is large, roundish and pink or yellowish red. The juice is very sweet, and the seeds are soft.

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Pomegranate, Wonderful
Pomegranate, Wonderful
Pomegranate, Wonderful
Pomegranate, Wonderful

Pomegranate, Wonderful

The Wonderful pomegranate is the most popular and widely planted tree of its type. The fruit is extra large and has blushed red skin with juicy rich red flesh. It is also drought tolerant and can be grown in a dry area and in areas where there is good rainfall. The plant grows 18′ tall, and the fruit generally ripens in September. 
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Pomegranate, Desertnyi
Pomegranate, Desertnyi

Pomegranate, Desertnyi

The Desertnyi pomegranate features an orange rind beautifully contrasted by dark red arils. The mature fruit has a firm texture and flavor that hints of orange juice. The seeds are very soft. 

Desertnyi is a selection from the Turkmenistan collection of world-famous wild Pomegranates. It was thankfully rescued during the fall of the Soviet Union by the persistence of hybridist Dr. Gregory Levin.
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Pomegranate, Nikitski Ranni
Pomegranate, Nikitski Ranni

Pomegranate, Nikitski Ranni

Nikitski Ranni pomegranates are a more successful Russian variety that boasts a balance of sweet and tart flavors. The fruits are large, up to 6 inches in size, with a light pink skin and red arils.  The growing season lasts between September and October and the fruit is resistant to cracking.

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Pomegranate, Medovyi Vahsha
Pomegranate, Medovyi Vahsha

Pomegranate, Medovyi Vahsha

Medovyi Vahsha pomegranate, developed by Dr. Gregory Levin, is known for its cold hardiness and early ripening. Its large fruits contain sweet, soft seeds.

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Deciduous Planting Instructions

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Your dream subtropical fruits await you! Follow these planting instructions carefully so you have success with your trees and plants! Subtropicals grow easily if you give them the right conditions.

#1 Plant in the right season

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#2 Choose a warm location

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#3 Planting

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#4 Amend the Soil

Most deciduous plants will prefer highly fertile soil, and soil in most home gardens has been damaged from construction and years of dehydration and sun exposure. Improve soil quality by amending it with organic matter such as compost. Add a 3 inch thick layer of compost in a 5 foot diameter around the trunk of trees, or a 2 foot diameter around the base of smaller plants.

#5 Mulch

Apply a 3 inch thick layer of wood chip mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Keep the mulch away from the plant's stem to prevent rot.

#6 Watering

Water newly planted subtropical plants deeply to establish their roots. Water regularly to maintain soil moisture.