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Avocado, Reed

Avocado, Reed

This plant IS available for shipping ONLY in Large Tree Pot sizes.

Regular price $52.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $52.00 USD
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3 inch Pot - 8 to 12" tall plant in 6" diameter x 7" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

1 gallon Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

Small Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

Large Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 12" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

3 gallon Pot - 18 to 36" tall plant in 10" diameter x 8" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

5 gallon Pot - 30" to 60" tall plant in 11" diameter x 10" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

15 gallon Pot - 60" to 75" tall plant in 17" diameter x 15" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

Reed avocados are a medium to large, round to oval-shaped variety with a tough, leathery green skin. The creamy, buttery texture and dense, firm flesh underneath is perfect for serving sizes up to 32 oz. and is much less oily than most other varieties. Reed avocados are ideal as a serving vessel, and their large round seed provides an extra crunch.


Botanic Name: Persea americana
Common Names: Reed Avocado,
Flowering Type: Type A

Lifespan: Evergreen
Hardiness Zone: 9
Fruiting Season: May-October
Growth Structure: Small to medium tree

Fertility Preference: ★ ★
Water Preference:
Sun & Light Preference:

Years to Fruit: 2-3 Years
Fruiting Season: May-October
Edible? Yes
Native to: California
Recommended Size for Container Growing: 30 Gallon

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