Grape, Concord Seedless
Grape, Concord Seedless
3 inch Pot - 8 to 12" tall plant in 6" diameter x 7" tall pot. SHIPPABLE
1 gallon Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE
Small Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE
Large Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 12" tall pot. SHIPPABLE
3 gallon Pot - 18 to 36" tall plant in 10" diameter x 8" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY
5 gallon Pot - 30" to 60" tall plant in 11" diameter x 10" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY
15 gallon Pot - 60" to 75" tall plant in 17" diameter x 15" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY
These seedless concord grapes are the quintessential table grape, and it is what is used to make grape juice. This variety will provide an abundance of fruit that will give plenty of opportunities to enjoy fresh, to make jams or jellies, or to even attempt your own house wine. As with all concords, this seedless variety is slip skin in nature which means that the jelly-like flesh is easily removed from the skin.
Grapes require a trellis for climbing as well as annual pruning.
Botanic Name: Vitis labrusca 'Concord Seedless'
Common Names:
Lifespan: Perennial
Hardiness Zone: Zone 5- Zone 9
Fruiting Season: Early to Late Summer
Growth Structure: Vining up to 12 feet wide
Fertility Preference:
Water Preference:
Sun & Light Preference:
Fruiting Season: Early to Late Summer