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Coyote Mint, 'Monardella Villosa'

Coyote Mint, 'Monardella Villosa'

This plant IS available for shipping ONLY in 1 gallon pot sizes.

Regular price $12.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.50 USD
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3 inch Pot - 8 to 12" tall plant in 6" diameter x 7" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

1 gallon Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

Small Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

Large Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 12" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

3 gallon Pot - 18 to 36" tall plant in 10" diameter x 8" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

5 gallon Pot - 30" to 60" tall plant in 11" diameter x 10" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

15 gallon Pot - 60" to 75" tall plant in 17" diameter x 15" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

Monardella Villosa, 'Coyote Mint' is an attractive spreading subshrub with fragrant, mint-scented foliage and delicate lavender flowers. This popular nursery selection blooms all summer, attracting bees and butterflies to its delicate flowers. Requiring well-drained soil and drought tolerance, Coyote Mint also benefits from regular light pruning and occasional summer irrigation for best bloom and foliage quality. In addition, it has been used in traditional medicine as a tea to treat upset stomach and other ailments.


Moderately Easy


Botanic Name: Monardella villosa
Common Names: Coyote mint,

Lifespan: 2-4 years
Hardiness Zone: 6-9
Fruiting Season: June - August
Growth Structure: 2 ft tall and 3 ft wide

Water Preference: ★ ★ ★
Sun & Light Preference:

Fruiting Season: June - August
Native to: California
Recommended Size for Container Growing: 15 gallon

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