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Woolly Bluecurls, 'Trichostema lanatum’

Woolly Bluecurls, 'Trichostema lanatum’

This plant IS available for shipping ONLY in 1 gallon pot sizes.

Regular price $12.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.50 USD
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3 inch Pot - 8 to 12" tall plant in 6" diameter x 7" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

1 gallon Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

Small Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 6" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

Large Tree Pot - 8 to 16" tall plant in 5" x 5" x 12" tall pot. SHIPPABLE

3 gallon Pot - 18 to 36" tall plant in 10" diameter x 8" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

5 gallon Pot - 30" to 60" tall plant in 11" diameter x 10" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

15 gallon Pot - 60" to 75" tall plant in 17" diameter x 15" tall pot. IN STORE ONLY

Woolly Bluecurls is a highly fragrant, small evergreen shrub found in the southern half of the US. It features narrow, pointed green leaves and smooth-petaled blue flowers in dense clusters, giving it its unique name. Hummingbirds are attracted to its flowers, which are often covered in woolly hairs of blue, pink, or white. This plant is able to thrive in semi-riparian areas, near creek beds, and in bottom lands with more soil moisture.


Easy grower, Fast growth rate


Botanic Name: Trichostema Lanatum
Common Names: Woolly Bluecurls,

Hardiness Zone: 8-10
Growth Structure: Growth - Fountain, 5 ft tall and 10 ft wide

Fertility Preference: ★ ★
Water Preference: ★ ★ ★
Sun & Light Preference:

Dormancy: Evergreen
Cold Tolerance: tolerates cold 0F
Flowers? Yes, blue, lavender
Native to: native to oak woodlands, chaparral and coastal sage scrub communities in the southern half of California
Recommended Size for Container Growing: 5-15 Gallon

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